Reviews for That Fateful Day
StrawberriCat chapter 7 . 12/11/2008

wow, i love this story! um... you're gonna continue this with the guilty episodes right? or are u just gonna end it with a relationships?

becuz i think it would be awesome if yori met ichiru and recognize him-
hisanachan chapter 7 . 12/11/2008
nice chapter

love always

masoxrista chapter 7 . 12/11/2008
Ruka is the perfect bi-ch for the job if you want a cold-hearted-vampire lady. She's just so frigid... I hate the fact that Kain is so wishy washy but at least its different from the - OMG I'm in love with you! all of the sudden plot...

More and more Vamps crowding around one Miss Wakaba :-) love it.
Kurai Aku Yoru chapter 7 . 12/11/2008
YES, the awaited chapter 7 has come! Thankfully Yori didn't freeze her head off! And dammit, bad timing eh? So CLOSE. And Ruka...tsk tsk. Ichijo cracks me up so much it's painful when i laugh. And poor Ichiru (I would think it was...hopefully, lol), he was crying. Aw. I cannot WAIT to see what happens next! Ja ne!
inuyashee chapter 6 . 12/10/2008
People who take to long to update tend to disappear so hurry up with a new chapter.
Ada.E chapter 6 . 12/1/2008
wonderful story so far. I really enjoy how you're building up their relationship
hisanachan chapter 6 . 11/26/2008
the president is some sort of vampire right? or maybe i'm being an idiot...

great chapter~ the idea of revenge kain came up with is priceless~

love always

Kurai Aku Yoru chapter 6 . 11/26/2008
Oh, I see my name! Yaayy! Ha ha. Srry, I'm kinda deranged at the moment. XD

What I rlly love about ur story is that I get a much better insight of the night class students' friendship and everyday lives. Very enjoyable! Aidou, you rock my socks! Crazy prankster. Ha, go Kain! Wow, he got jealous (Kain: DID NOT). Aw, don't be shy. Just admit it! (Yori: Jealous of who?)

OH! Well-(Kain: SHUT UP!)...sheesh, so grouchy. Everyone in this story rocked! Even Ruka seemed pretty cool. However, looks like things took a twist. Ha...stuck in a freezer room. Wonder who did that? (glances at potential candidates) nothing. But you do! Why? Cuz your the author! Okay, this review is kinda long. I should end it...lyke now. So, excellent chapter and development! Can't wait for your next update!
Purple-Jasmine chapter 5 . 11/15/2008
This chapter made me laugh SO hard.

Awkward Hilarity

Great Job! I could just picture the look on Aido's face. I would have laughed as well, but then probably made a quicker run for it.

Can't wait for the next chapter. Be sure to Private Message me!

hisanachan chapter 5 . 11/12/2008
interesting couple...

love always

tastebuds chapter 2 . 11/8/2008
I thought I should let you know, that it's senpai with an "n" instead of an "m".
So it would be Kain-senpai.
Also to make it easier on the reader you should italicize thoughts an whatnot.
catlover chapter 5 . 11/4/2008
Love your story! Can't wait for the next chapter. Keep up the good work.
my-seraph chapter 5 . 11/3/2008
Ow,wow, that was hilarious! Kain's reaction when he saw that he was in a lingerie shop was priceless. Update soon please!
StrawberriCat chapter 5 . 11/3/2008
THAT WAS AWESOME! really awesome!

i would be so embarrassed if i was kain!-

update soon
Kurai Aku Yoru chapter 5 . 11/3/2008
Bwahhahahahaha, god now I'm laughing like Aidou! It's a curse! O.o

Ha ha, this chapter made me smile (and cry in laughter actually). I love how Yori said "It wasn't HIS size." prize winning statement of da year. As for Zero, HE'S TOO DAMN STUBBORN! Still, very in character. Loved everyone in here (even Ruka sorta). UPDATE asap, no pressure, ;)
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