Reviews for The Death of A Legend
GunShy1 chapter 37 . 2/10/2019
Well that was a chapter and a half or maybe more like twelve and an epilogue. After what he went through, Jim Crown isn’t just awesome, he should be a candidate for sainthood. I loved his back story, although I didn’t expect you to go back to his great great great grandfather. Oh l, and in regard to sainthood. let’s not forget James giving his ranch to Estefan.
Koree’s part in Jim Crown’s story was nearly unbearably sad. He loved her so and she loved him so. More saintliness. As a slight non-sequitor, the flowers were so wonderfully poignant and, indeed, Jim needed his Uncle more than the world needed more flowers. Then more points for sainthood in the current timeline as the marshal sacrificed himself for Dulcey and Jaimie, then the committee to save the marshal, then Jarrod and maybe some others I can’t think of right now. Then, just when I thought the story was ending, Francis had a terrible and shocking dream that you didn’t tell us was a dream. For a moment there, I was not thinking good thoughts about you. But then thankfully the dream allowed a much better ending. Thankfully his old friend Dave finally came through for him I loved the Cavalry lieutenants somewhat meteoric rise up the ranks. It was truest a wonderful and engaging story that kept me on me on edge of my seat for the whole ride. One last thought, do you really think they can keep the doctor in New York City after he’s seen paree...I mean the Wild West? Oh and I loved the train never came. All in all, a fine ending to a fine show.
GunShy1 chapter 36 . 2/5/2019
That was quite a chapter. All the pieces are coming together and it looks like we are speeding towards an amazing conclusion with the soldiers, Jamie, and Mr. and Mrs. Crown converging on on the town. I just hope the army gets there quick because I am not sure Jim’s up to facing Mister Mareck and what’s left of his henchmen. Especially not when he probably has a baby to rescue. There are other major characters in play as well, except for Francis who is chained to a bed, and they could perhaps tilt the story in unexpected ways. Heck even dead and chained up Francis might still do something. I enjoyed the interlude with President Grover Cleveland and don’t be thinking I don’t know who Jim West and Arty Gordon are.
GunShy1 chapter 35 . 2/4/2019
Great chapter. I really like this take charge Francis. I think he is evolving. He seems to have really grown into his job. And it appears that now both Francis and the marshal are dead. The plot is moving along like a Rube Goldberg machine. I am not quite sure what is going to trigger the next event, but I have a feeling the marshal is not going to sit out the conclusion of this tale in his comfortable little hidden room.
GunShy1 chapter 34 . 2/3/2019
This chapter had a very disturbing beginning and a very lovely ending. Your Jim Crown is undeniably adorable. Here we have the good and the evil and it only remains to see which triumphs. It can’t be good that not only do the bad guys have Dulcey, but they have also connected the marshal to Katelyn. The deck is stacked but at least there are fewer bad gusts than previously and there is even some dissension in the ranks.
GunShy1 chapter 33 . 2/3/2019
This might be my favorite chapter—except for J.R. losing Uncle Wes. I am grateful you softened the blow by letting me know it was coming thanks to something Jim said earlier. That made it a little less devastating when it actually happened. I loved learning how Jim,err “James” first met and bonded. They shared a tragedy, were there for one another, and talked of serious things as adolescents often do. I think I can see how that bond would remain despite the senator doing a few underhanded things. I love it that James is going to teach everyone to read. I actually loved the whole chapter, but that was such a nice touch. And it was necessary because James would absolutely want to earn his way. Without James, Dave would probably have never become a senator.
GunShy1 chapter 32 . 2/2/2019
More flashback and an interesting flashback this was. You are building a very complete backstory for the marshal and, so far, I really like it.
GunShy1 chapter 31 . 2/2/2019
Oh dear, Jarrod is faced with an impossible choice and even after making a semi-decision circumstances thwart him. Three love stories in one chapter and not a one of them is going well. Not only that but the flashback story has taken a very unexpected turn and I still have no clue as to the resolution to any of these tales. You are a trickster telling a tense and tricky tale.
GunShy1 chapter 30 . 2/2/2019
Unfortunate that the bad guys are beginning to suspect that the marshal still lives. I wonder what Mareck has planned. Sadly I can imagine several things that would bring Crown out from hiding. At least the odds are better, but I can see the inevitable showdown coming as the number of remaining chapters dwindles. I see that you are a fan of alliteration, something I quite enjoy. I still am not at all sure where this story is going.
GunShy1 chapter 29 . 2/2/2019
This was such a nice chapter. It even had the Long Branch in it. ;). I also forgot to mention how much I enjoyed the flash back portion of previous chapter. And you buggy analogy reminded me of another character imploring his critically ill friend to stay in the buggy. I loved this: “were 'girls'...or 'goddesses'”. The only thing that marred this chapter was the far cloud that hung over it, conjured by the knowledge that Jim Crown never married. I Think I am going to be very sad soon.
GunShy1 chapter 28 . 2/2/2019
The ruse was a complete success even though Mareck’s man was more thorough than expected definitely resulting in some ewww moments. Unfortunately, I don’t think the end result was quite what was hoped for. Roger Mareck is a very problematic problem.
GunShy1 chapter 27 . 2/1/2019
A looks like the Doc was right and Jim needs to be in bed. Katelyn potentially being out about town is a worry. I wonder how the “dead body” is doing. So many question and so few answers. Roger Mareck drinking himself under the marshal’s desk is an interesting sidelight. I was hoping Dulcey would hear something useful. I guess she did hear an incriminating conversation.
GunShy1 chapter 26 . 2/1/2019
This was just a delightful interlude. I so enjoyed the interaction between Jim and Katelyn. Yet, despite this peaceful bit of a love story, you keep the pressure amped up. Also, the Doc is a little confident I fear. Looking forward to what happens next.
GunShy1 chapter 25 . 1/31/2019
Well, now I know. But I still haven’t figured what is going to happen when the legend wakes up and how the “dead body” fits in this story. This is a real twisty story with lots of fascinating side trips. Your brain must be an interesting place.
GunShy1 chapter 24 . 1/30/2019
So another interesting flash back. I can see. Ow why the marshal is so irritated with his senator “friend”. I am looking forward to thie rest of this story too. I am also looking forward to how this whole dead mannequin thing is going to work out to say nothing of all those other little jobs the marshal had Francis too. I liked that Jim broke the horses for the army. These little details build the man.
GunShy1 chapter 23 . 1/29/2019
I am surely wondering where this is going next. Jim is going to be fit to be tied. Guess the perpetrators already realize this and have taken preemptive steps. At least Katelyn will be there. She softens him some. I think the doctor still needs some educating. I like the idea of him and Dulcey. Forgot to mention in previous chapter that I really liked that exchange between Katelyn and the doctor about delicate instruments and the marshal’s ribs.
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