Reviews for Negative
neko1998 chapter 1 . 2/4/2013
KAWAII! Uke Suzaku in a girl uniform blushing, man this is the life
MOYva chapter 1 . 4/20/2010
I honestly loved the story, it was cute and hell, who doesnt love Suzaku in the girl's uniform thank you for your post, its so great to receive messages from authors))

ps- seme!Lelouch is such a rarity, i just couldnt go past it))
Lady Nogitsune chapter 1 . 12/7/2009
“I dreamed once that you were the terrorist Zero.”

Probably due to the atmosphere you managed to built up around it, this line stuck with me. I very much enjoy the way the characters are written in this.

And yay for topping!Lelouch. He needs more love. ;P

Nameless chapter 1 . 9/2/2009
L-I-K-E-D it! *.*

Loved it when Lelouch topped, because it's a rare situation and i like it better (Lelouch -in my eyes- just "understands" everything faster although Suzaku may be the one topping most of the time because of his supposed outwork -never seen him doing it so...oô)

I just love it this way,let Suzaku blush! xD
Crispy Rice chapter 1 . 7/11/2009
The finale ;_;

I can't get enough of this pairing.

Who needs drugs.
Aeromance chapter 1 . 5/12/2009
A LuluSuza! HAZAA! Lelouch be praised! (Its a new cult I'm starting)

Anyway, this was a really amazing one shot. A little on the under descriptive side with the sex for my tastes, but that's okay because this isn't just about the sex (if it was, it wouldn't have been that great of a story). This is more about their horribly odd relationship in r2. I refuse to believe anything else other than the fact that Lelouch and Suzaku are secret lovers in the anime and they just had to cut that bit out for more fighting and explosions.

One small note. The whole side notes in parenthesis was kinda confusing. I think if you put it in just italics, it would look better. But that's just my opinion.

Bottom line, it was a great story, and I look forward to reading more of your stories.

Much fanfic love,

rein hitomi chapter 1 . 12/6/2008
'his deliciously naked body'

Loved that Can't help it, man. You could very well blame hormones for that. [Just finished reading your 'Crossdress' and suddenly remembered Sakura Gari, so much for skirts and bodies.]

Anyway. I'm being off-topic here. I just want to laud Lelouch for such a perverse yet effective way to steer Suzaku away from the Zero topic. So enjoyable. *laughs*

Another two-thumbs up for ya!-v
qwertyyuioop chapter 1 . 11/7/2008
Hey... this is awesome! I really adore how you put Suzaku in a skirt, then put Lelouch in the room, then make him get into Suzaku's skirt. XD I just love all your work Val.
AUehara chapter 1 . 11/5/2008
what a situation! o.o

I liked. Very, very intereting I must say is this fic of yours.

I'm thinking now... to lock people in school in a very strange situation is so nice! xP
D chapter 1 . 10/30/2008
I really liked this :D very interesting twist on it !
Miss-Franntastic chapter 1 . 10/23/2008

Its awesome!

Mwe Wove ity!It made me blush(seriously I think I look like a tomato)!hot, cute, and wonderfully writen.

Would I be annoying if I asked for another one. Perhaps one about another couple from a differnt anime. Vampire Knight or naruto, perhaps?

Laters Love hugs

rikuboo chapter 1 . 10/12/2008
Hey Val, sorry for the late review. I have been meaning to all along, but I just kinda... got sidetracked.


I've just discovered Code Geass and wow, love your portrayal of the characters here. You know you're a fully fledged fangirl when you can grasp at the yaoi/shonen-ai between two best friends who, to put it simply, treat each other like crap throughout (because they do know about each other all along, especially Suzaku, sneaky (loveable) git). The ending of the series was possibly the saddest/best I've seen in a long time - yes, Death Note included - so I love stories like this, where Lelouch isn't pretending to be dead and they can be all gay together. The world is good again... until I go watch the series for the second time, and then it sucks once more.

Wonderful writing and fabulous coughmansexcough. That goes for all of your fics that I've read, which is possibly all of them, if not most. One of my fav authors, you are. :)
Axel's Ashes chapter 1 . 10/6/2008
Squee! Marvelous! Kinda weird, tho...but still, squee.
Youko-sama chapter 1 . 10/6/2008
Oh hot damn. I knew I should have made more time to read your CG fics. Lulu on top? How rare~ I love it
A chapter 1 . 10/6/2008
I think I might love you. That was great, very well-written. Thanks for sharing.