Reviews for Wired
CaptainDorito chapter 1 . 11/24/2015
Great chapter 1 . 9/3/2015
Oh heck... You made me cry! I love it and hate it when that happens. Although I feel like the ending is a bit weak. But it works. Looking forward to more!
esoulix chapter 1 . 4/23/2014
I cried. Honest to god I cried. I never even considered Sam being afraid of Danny because of Freakshow. You thought it up and it was written beautifully... Five stars.
Samantha-Girl Scout chapter 1 . 11/22/2009
Wow. That sure was deep, and insightful! I throughly enjoyed this oneshot (which I usually don't like to read oneshots... lol what a way to be reintroduced to the DP phandom!) and I can't wait to read more of your work! Seriously, this has some genious behind it.


Sniper CC chapter 1 . 2/28/2009
That was a really great story. I even started to cry when Tucker was mad at Danny. It takes a lot to make me cry for a story. So congrats to you
magdilen chapter 1 . 2/20/2009
Great job.
magic or manic chapter 1 . 1/6/2009
This is very very very good. Are you going to update?
spikesamoradora chapter 1 . 12/29/2008
Beautifully written and a perfect response to the freakshow incident.

While I understand that DP isn't intended to be Buffy, I often feel that it would be better served had they included more lingering trauma over various events.
Pure'Midnight chapter 1 . 11/9/2008
This story had me gripped from the first line. I couldn't take my eyes away.

Absolutely fantastic!

It would be great if you could write another chapter or maybe a short sequeal.
Dwellin chapter 1 . 10/5/2008
oh my god, the angst every turn you take, every step you make...

*blink, blink* let me catch my breath...

What a brilliant piece, well written and had me chewing my fingernails to the quick.

"Okay everybody, gather round! Group hug!"

I was near emotionally wrung out by the end. Thank goodness you threw the reader a bone there right at the last. Otherwise I would be obessing on this all night. Still might need to make myself some hot milk!

Some hot writing here girl!
challengeAUTHORITY chapter 1 . 10/4/2008
god. you do angst so f*ing well.

this one was crazy emotional. but holy crap, was it good. it kind of struck me all of the sudden while i was reading it, how dramatic you've managed to make these characters and situations that were meant to be a part of a children's show, all the while keeping the characters so incredibly in character. awesome, awesome work. i completely loved this one - it so toyed with my emotions. i love stories that do that. :D

was that enough gushing for you? lol :P

YumeTakato chapter 1 . 9/30/2008
Very interesting story, It was good.
TexasDreamer01 chapter 1 . 9/30/2008
*blinks* ...that took about two hours to read...

great story though (because it's so long)

skitzofrenic chapter 1 . 9/30/2008
happy ending are fun

and i was gunna say something, but i completely forgot. dammit.

lol :D i'm such a fool.

i absolutely positively LOVED thiss
b4k4 ch4n chapter 1 . 9/30/2008
Wow, that was a really long one-shot. I haven't read a Danny Phantom fanfiction in such a long time.

So she hid it for 3 years, I got to say, keeping that bottled up for so long...pretty impressive.

Poor Tucker really misunderstood the situation. At some part, I thought this story wasn't going to have a happy ending. I mean, there was so much problems...

Then again, the ending was a sappy happy ending either, it was more like a...'Lets hope everything gets better from now on' kind of ending. It was nice. Good work )

I've always liked how you switched to different views. That lets the readers know how everyone- Danny, Sam, Jazz and Tucker -feels about the situation. I felt kind of bad for Tucker. He was truly left in the dark for so long.

I love how loyal and caring Jazz is. Even though she's suppose to be studying hard she instead dumps it and leaves to aid her brother.

Anyway, nice work you two ) It was great reading a Danny Phantom fanfiction.
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