Reviews for Homeless
Cdelancy chapter 30 . 9/26/2014
Bookwormy3 chapter 12 . 8/27/2014
If you actually plan on moving to mars, please send me a ticket. I'd be happy to come.
makeshiftmelody243 chapter 30 . 7/24/2014
I just wanted to tell you how much i love this story. I read this in less than a day because I couldn't put it down. I fell in love with the characters straight away and I actually felt a pang in my chest once I had finished and that doesn't happen to me often. You are an amazing writer and I want you to know that. When life gets hard keep pushing forward and create your own happy ending if you haven't found it yet. Thank you for writing this story. :)
-S xx
Akid5 chapter 30 . 7/4/2014
Omg I loved this 333
Also yayyy for mayday parade
They're sooo awesome
Akid5 chapter 12 . 7/4/2014
It's great to think that now as im reading a chapter that was written a couple years ago, progress has been made and 19 states have approved gay marriage including california
I wonder if u and ur boyfriend had the beach wedding u guys wanted yet
Akid5 chapter 8 . 7/3/2014
Yayyy Adrian has another friend! :D :D :D
Akid5 chapter 7 . 7/3/2014
I feel like I can really relate to Adrian. Like Adrian, I feel along and friendless and not really belonging to any clique. My parents are pretty religious which is weird because we are Asian and Asians are mostly atheists. My parents used to make me go to this Asian church and I never felt like I fit in there because all the other girls there were fake, hypocritical and judgemental but whenever I tried to talk to my parents about it, they never listen. Some of them also went to my school and I talked to them only because I was asian but I wish I didnt because looking back on it now I realize they just verbally bullied me. Good thing we got busy so we stopped going for a while. Unfortunately, this year, my parents have started making me to a much closer but church. They also signed me up for the summer church program. I feel like I really don't belong there because its just a bunch of fake snobby white people who go there to hang with friends. (Im not racist. my town is just a bunch of egotistical snobby white people who outcast anyone not like them.) I hate it there. I have to go two times a week; 5 hours on Wednesdays and a 1.5 hour service and 3 more hours at night on Sundays. There is also a ton of homework. Each time i go to church, i feel extremely upset and suicidal because everyone else is just lifting their hands and singing and being excited and i just cant feel that. My parents always criticize and complain about me and don't listen when I object to going to church. It also doesn't help that I have no friends and everyone else does so it makes me feel like a freak for disliking church.
Also, like Adrian, my family is upper middle class. this makes me feel like just another whiny kid with nothing real to complain about.
Knowing someone, even a fictional character, understands my thoughts about going to church means a lot to me. It makes me feel a lot less alone.
The ironic thing is that earlier this year I would have said that I believe in God but just disliked hypocritical Christians. Now, because of my experiences at church and the incrediblely tough year I've had, I'm not sure if I believe in god anymore. It's incredibly sad that church would make me have less faith in god.
I'm not sure why I spilled a lot about my life but whatever. Great story so far and I'll continue reading:D
KxInu chapter 30 . 9/21/2013
This actually made me cry ;/ i was crushed when kiba left, and now i am so happy to found out they got back together, the first time a fic has ever moved me to tears tbh :)
Chomei216 chapter 27 . 7/31/2013
Chomei216 chapter 1 . 7/4/2013
this story is SO good I don't want to finish it.
tymir45 chapter 1 . 5/24/2013
this is the best fanfic I ever read. and im so scared to finish it.
AlphaBetaOmega18 chapter 30 . 11/23/2012
I have read this story so many times that I know it like the back of my hand. It has got to be the absolute BEST and MOST LOVEABLE fanfic I have ever read in my entire life. Now that you aren't writing anymore I cry after reading all of my fave fanfics written by you. To be honest this fanfic is what got me interested in reading more fanfics, not just yours but others as well. "Homeless" was the first fanfic I ever read and it CHANGED MY LIFE. If you ever decide to come back to writing fanfics, I just know they are going to be awesome and I will follow them until I die. This story also made me realise that I just might not be straight but it also made me realise that that's okay. My church really looks down on gay people so I wish Joshua House was real. But anyway I thank you for your writing and I shall continue to idolize and love your works of art of fanfictions.:)
raichu.ree chapter 1 . 6/12/2012
I don't normally read yaoi fics, but this one was definitely a good read :) I'm very impressed with your writing style, keep up the great writing! :3
Naturestune chapter 12 . 1/10/2012
As lumpy space princess puts it 'Oh my gosh you guy DRAMA BOMB' man I love that show makes me wish I had cable. Anyways I love how Gaara and Adrian cuddle so cute! Wish I had friends like that.
S. Rune chapter 1 . 12/20/2011
I've always reviewed as Mirette or something anyway I hope you are doing fine and thank you for writing this story.
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