Reviews for From Behind the Mask
IchiIchi chapter 14 . 7/14/2014
I liked the story so far so I hope you can update c: I need a see another YoruichiXIchigo story xO
MaceX6 chapter 14 . 2/13/2013
Damn. Great story so far! Keep it coming. I like how you are taking your time building the foundation for this story, have not come across many writers that do that on this site, more so when the romance genre is involved.
How is the story that you plan to publish coming along? Still need a proof reader?
BrazeRancor chapter 14 . 1/8/2013
Geez. That amount of junk had to sift through to find this was extraordinary. Thanks for actually outing some thought into your story.
freowin chapter 14 . 11/5/2012
Not bad, nice steady character development, well balanced and flowing nicely. All in all a nice fic keep up the good work.
KatzeNoel chapter 14 . 8/6/2012
keep it coming
blazingreaper chapter 14 . 8/5/2012
more please.
RAMI MALEKS TYPE chapter 14 . 8/2/2012
Great! I'm glad you could find the time to update this, now we're getting somewhere! Really excited and pumped up for the next update, and I hope to see you around writing more and more stuff for us too... :3
straggo1337 chapter 14 . 8/2/2012
Happy that you updated. Even if songs in fanfiction are kinda corny, lol, also songs in stories might be against the rules unless original, just a warning. Chapter was well paced and progressed the story along nicely. Can hardly wait for the teasing that Yoruichi will definitely give to Ichigo.
animecollecter chapter 4 . 7/30/2012
you f**** up the saying! it goes hell hath no fury like a womans scourn
KatzeNoel chapter 13 . 6/15/2012
Is this ever going to be continued?
RAMI MALEKS TYPE chapter 13 . 5/13/2012
Why does Fanfiction do this to me, something as great as this I had to get off my lazy ass and find.. Your so crule :(

This. IS. AWSOME!...Best fanfic I've EVER read. You acuwaly make your ideas and plot line make since in this story of yours, everything happens for a reason and everything falls in line just perfectly. People should relies that you can't rush everything and that some bonds need time to grow to become stronger, it's just more realistic to me. And speaking of realistic, it was perfectly fare to not put anyone in "God Mode" LOL. Your totally right about people making mistakes and how it's really unfaire to make someone investable, and then again, you don't underestimate their abilitys and make them look weak. Your so smart and experienced, and a new word I now like to use "smexy" ;3, also, comparing yourself writing fics to taking a dump on the mighty thrown of release was way funny. I also have an idea for a hollow for you to use. Fancy that, I was fooling around with ideas for one to put in a fic I'm brain storming right now, but I'll just PM ya about it later sweet face. Hope you didn't abandon such great material thats got me so crazed now please, I know everyone else is acting like a dick and pretending to be busy with something else but we still look forward to the next chapter. .

P.S: This story reminds me of the song "Get Back In My Life" by "Maroon 5"... Dont know if your really into to that type of music but this story seemed really close to it... I love that song /
crypto496 chapter 13 . 11/12/2011
Alright now the story's getting good. If their was punctuation or grammar mistakes I couldn't see them. Also It's nice to see that some authors don't immediately God Mode their story.

I'm kinda surprised that nobody has submitted any holllows...although by now maybe they have...anyways I've got an idea for a hollow that I'm going to use in a Naruto/Bleach self-insert story that will probably never leave the confines of my brain.

It's a Black armored Anthromorphic Fox with 12 black Tails, instead of the usual white hollows seem to have, With a thirteenth made of black bone. I'm sure you can see a theme going on here. LOL. He stands at 13 feet tall with the hole near his stomach rather than at his chest. He has Silver slits for eyes. And by that I mean...think of like his eyes have been gouged out and a silver slit occupies the socket itself. His Name is ShiniKitsune...which should translate into Death Fox. Should you decide to make him an arrancar or whatever, His zanpokto is a jet black zanbotou, Kinda like Ichigo's except not styled after a meat cleaver, And it's name is Kitsune No Shinigami...which I think translates into The Fox God of Death. I think that covers everything...PM me if you have any questions.
Blue oni chapter 13 . 6/23/2011
I like the humor of this fic and the writing is excellent, keep up those chapters!
Vocasan chapter 13 . 6/23/2011
The fic is funny
Sinistercurt chapter 1 . 4/27/2011
You had me at punctuation.
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