Reviews for Hedonistic
YaoiYuriLover929 chapter 1 . 6/20/2009
1557757 chapter 1 . 2/16/2009
I loved it. Excellent Seiner fic. :D

We must make our contributions to the fandom! XD

-instant fave-

-Minikimii :3
FinalFallenFantasy chapter 1 . 2/11/2009
Aw Seifer, don't kick his butt just cos he loves you, mkay? Just make out with him again. I agree; tha lack of Seiner is depressing. However, the quality of the few that there are makes up for it. But still; must... write... Seiner... *gets slapped in the back of the ehad* yeah, yeah, coursework first, dammit. THEN SeiferXHayner... Yay! Have a plushie! Of Seifer!
pheonix.maiden chapter 1 . 12/31/2008

I would marry you if it were legal right now.


It's SO cute!

In a badassy way.


And Seifer's completely, effing, mindblowingly awesome!

I luv u.
Bonfiore'sGirl chapter 1 . 10/16/2008
Yay! I love this fic. Seriously, it's fantabulous. So much so that I'm working on creating a new word for it! Can't wait for chapie numero dos, because I know it's coming. Keep it up! _
BrandieAnime chapter 1 . 9/21/2008
i fucking love this story!

next chapter PLZ
Kasai-no-Kitsune chapter 1 . 9/19/2008
*highfives* As everyone else has said, they were still in character, which I liked. It still worked even without a lot of backstory, which was cool. _ Nice little... drabble? Oneshot thingy?
Ninny-na chapter 1 . 9/18/2008
-fangirl squeal- I loved it! You had the people still magically in character and yet still making hot sexy love. :DD If you don't make this into a chaptered fic ou ahve to at least make more Seiner! D: Right?
Shinanigans23 chapter 1 . 9/18/2008
That was a really good story! You should definatly continue this one. Twas cute.
MD chapter 1 . 9/18/2008
Oh~ I loved this! It's short but to the point and keeps the boys /in character/. IMO, this is the best course for a "first timer." Would love to see more of this pairing from you, in the future! :)
Ellipsis the Great chapter 1 . 9/18/2008's sweet, in a really weird and bitter way. And I don't hate you at all - we need to get more good Seiner fics! I know what you mean by having your brain eaten by it, though, I've written, like...four one-shots and a chapter story for this pairing? And now another chapter story that's forced me to put my other stuff on hiatus because it's taken over. . D'oh! the story, hon! I definitely hope you'll continue it if the inspiration takes you!
