Reviews for Paternal Irony
name chapter 3 . 1/16/2012
yeah. so i like it, because it makes sense.

I like the way you show characters od Shify, Tai Lung and Po in this short story. how you were able to show composure and calmness, focus of Shifu.

I like Tai Lung's torment, his cracked emotions and fack that he was hurt - badly. And the fack that even his own father weren't able to see this pain. no one understand him - it sounds pitifully, but somwehow, it's true.

And the "awesomeness" and chrefull joy of fat panda, his crazy, unclassified, uncontrolled thoughts, cut off sentences and all.

But still, it saddened me rather. Because of Tai Lung.

nah, i;m not touchy, but this warrior is just... well, I really like him. One of the few characters in the film that actually had a soul, even if it was demon's nighmare rather than angel's blessing.

And this quote:"I feel sorry for the kitten with the terror-filled eyes, pleading for a scrap of mercy as I bring my pinkie down with the last word he'll ever hear."

Po knew it. Saw his begging for life. And killed him anyway.

What the hell? Why?


I don't understand.
Wolf Skinchanger chapter 3 . 11/6/2011
Okay, that... wow. That was incredible.

You made them all sound so much like themselves; I can really imagine this is what was going through their minds in those moments.

Well, done, sir; very well done.
Lonerofthepack chapter 1 . 2/15/2010
_ I liked it a lot. Poor Tai...
Shifu Fangirl chapter 2 . 12/15/2009
FalconMage, I disagree with your review for chapter 2. I know that everyone has their own opinion, and I respect that, but here's mine. I don't think that it was Shifu's fault that caused Tai Lung to be evil. Everybody blames it all on poor, sweet Shifu. Tai Lung did it himself. He should've just let it go and moved on, but instead, he decided to try to steal the scroll, and he got put in prison. It wasn't Shifu's fault. There was simply nothing Shifu could do when Oogway didn't give Tai Lung the scroll, and you can't always expect him to know the future. Poor little guy. Sorry, but that's the way I feel. I understand your opinion that Shifu's pride and telling Tai Lung that he was the best warrior, it makes sense, but I think that it simply isn't true. Okay, I'll stop blabbing on now. Just think about what I said, okay? Bye!
Black Raider chapter 3 . 9/21/2009
I loved this. It was pretty cool. Though i don't agree on most of Po's thoughts when he returned to SHifu. Anyway, nice going!
Anonomous12 chapter 3 . 7/9/2009
I laughed so hard at the fight. My favorite was 'Pop goes the kitty.' Also loved it when Po thought that he was probably gonna find out why they're called the 'Furious Five.'
Anonomous 12 chapter 3 . 6/19/2009
That was good, but I don't think Po would be one to swear, even if it is just in his mind.
No Name chapter 3 . 11/28/2008
OMG. That was freaking awesome. Wonderful writing! Bravisimo! My favorite chapter was the one where Tai Lung was talking. The scene where master Shifu said that he had always been proud was my favorite one in the whole movie! Mainly for the expression of realization that having his father figure be proud of him was all he really wanted on Tai lungs face though. Keep Writing !
Just 2 Dream of You chapter 1 . 11/23/2008
Blah, I'm really sorry for that last lame review. I was just so excited. This really is perfect. Absolutly, incredibly, wonderfully perfect. Exellent job. You are a great writer _~
Just 2 Dream of You chapter 3 . 11/21/2008
Raezek chapter 3 . 9/26/2008
Heh! I really liked that story! The whole idea of what was going through Po's head when the fight was going down was PURE COMEDY.

I hope you make more stories like these in the future!

Awerewolf chapter 3 . 9/24/2008
And you are NOT in my author alert subscription! That's the only reason I haven't read this sooner!

Fixed this!

This is totally incredible and, with your permission, I'd like to print this also...

FalconMage chapter 3 . 9/24/2008
That was just too good! It's funny and hilarious as to what Po was thinking about during the fight. The desciption of everything was highly intense and I don't think anybody can do what you did. It's amazing. I love this short fic!
Kippis05 chapter 3 . 9/24/2008
Haha, while many parts of this three chapter story contains very profound material, I couldn't help but break down and laugh with this last installment. 'My Mistake', 'My Revenge'... and.. 'My BELLY!'

Great content overall, and extremely well-written, as I have come to expect from someone of your literary genius. What made this chapter shine for me was that two second spiel about Tigress' beautiful, graceful, elegant, perfect smile.. I mean really, how many adjectives do you need to describe a smile like that?

Well, I guess if it's Tigress we're talking about, you need a whole lot of literary descriptors, since she did smile only ONCE during the entire movie... It's always good to go out with a bang, right?

But yes, great stuff, Po's awesome; Lots of one-liners.. Blah de da de dah...

Thrayonlosa chapter 1 . 9/19/2008
Man, this was one heck of a read. Very deep- I was especially moved with Tai Lung's longing and his wrestling with that need. The first time I saw the movie I was so caught up in this revelation that both were at fault, and their conflicting emotions, that I was just floored: and this reopened that feeling for me, and let me tell you, that is something. I really, really hope you go with your next idea here, I'm extremely interested in what Po could have been thinking. Thanks for such a great fic.
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