Reviews for Moonstruck
KookiePie1025 chapter 20 . 4/25
Beautiful beautiful read! I was awestruck with the plot...the twists, the turns...the conversations. Please don’t stop writing beautiful heartstrings pulling pieces like this! Thank you!
ayu chapter 11 . 11/29/2019
Hiashi ia such a jerk
jenuzumaki chapter 20 . 11/11/2018
Sakura traducoes chapter 20 . 1/25/2018
Hello, i loved your fanfic, your writing is wonderful, and i wanted to ask for permission to translate it into my language, which in the case is Portuguese, i would give the due credits...i expect an answer, thank you.
TimeShifter chapter 19 . 1/15/2017
I just reread this after seeing it in a list of great NaruHina fics. I had forgotten just how spectacular this with was, how clever the premise and prose even if I didn't understand all of it. There was a lot of pain in this story, times I wanted Naruto to punch Hiashi and beat his will into the Hyuuga, and I still don't really understand what was going on with the Kyuubi. But it didn't matter because the floor moments we nice and the Wives Club all clicked well and that ending was beautiful. Thanks again for such an amazing story!
ani.ruthan chapter 20 . 2/18/2016
Me chapter 9 . 11/22/2015
Guest chapter 20 . 7/20/2015
i really am lucky for finding this fanfic, it was sooooo, I really dont have words to fully describe what I want, but this was incredible ,REALLY.
C3siah chapter 20 . 12/6/2014
Super cute story. Everybody must read it. Seriously, it is awesome.
Sunshinee-himee chapter 20 . 9/25/2014
You...have such a beautiful way with words and this story is beautiful and you are beautiful and thank you so much for writing this.
ramenreed chapter 20 . 9/24/2014
Amazing story, in my opinIon this is a duty which can be made into a movie, since it ifs really ending was perfect to. Keep on writing and I recommend this for all naruhina lovers. Amazing story.
Ramrikai chapter 20 . 9/16/2014
I am a blubbering mess of tears, snot, and tissues right now. That was, hands down, the most beautiful fanfiction I have ever read. Bar none. I may have read others that were more action-packed, more humorous, or more ... captivating? Gripping? Not sure what the right word is, but the kind of story that constantly has you on the edge of your seat because you have no clue what will happen next. No matter. I have not, nor do I believe I will ever read another fanfiction so unbelievably beautiful and romantic.

Seeing how old this story is, and that your latest update on anything was three years ago, I can guess you will never even see this review, but I will send it regardless. I thank you now, from the bottom of my now thoroughly tear-soaked heart, for sharing this story. It is a must read for EVERY NaruHina fan, and maybe even for those who know nothing of Naruto at all!
NoirNoise8 chapter 20 . 6/27/2014
Cry-crying? What do you mean crying? I'm not, obviously *breaks into an uncontrollable fit of sobs* this is just oh so beautiful.
Epic Otaku Cherry chapter 20 . 6/23/2014
I can really think of much more to say other than this was a really fantastic fic. It had flow, a good pace and concise ending that made you feel like you watched a really good movie. The characters were well-developed (especially Hinata, but that was kinda the point of the story) and I loved the romance. I shipped basically every couple in it. And please tell me I really did see a hint of KonoHana in the end.

Off to read the sequel!

-Epic Otaku Cherry
BirdieWolf15 chapter 20 . 6/14/2014
How many times have I read this fic? This one is just one of those timeless pieces. The kind of story that you can read over and over and still feel all the feelings you felt the first time you read it. Beautiful. Hope you are a writer. I would love to read a book by you one day.
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