Reviews for Child Rearing 101
YoZo chapter 21 . 1/8/2013
This was one of the best HitsuMatsu stories I've ever read! This is definitely one of my favs of all time :3 keep up da good work!
JillDinosaur chapter 21 . 11/15/2011
That story was awesome .
Hichigo's Devoted Follower chapter 21 . 6/25/2011
: ) that was a great story! Hey just a suggestion but have u considered on re doing it with it being m rated rather then t like it was? or just make another romance story between HitsuMatsu but it be m rated.
WinterWolf69 chapter 21 . 3/21/2011
This was an amazing story! And the couples were so cute and I just love this story! _ I look forward to more of your stories.
Vegetassj51 chapter 1 . 8/22/2010
i like it. on to ch 2
ffkhsuperfan chapter 21 . 4/13/2010
This story is so good and funny at the same time! It also has a good amount of romance in it too!
Soraya the All Speaker chapter 21 . 10/22/2009
Who yay story! (not much other to say than - AWESOME)
Terror-Of-The-Crimson-Night chapter 21 . 10/13/2009
i really loved this fic. i loved the wedding the best written one in fan fic i've read yet. i also love the moments where i was laughing my ass off at some parts while at others liking the sweet moments between Toshiro and Rangiku. fantastic job on the story.
Dudtheman chapter 21 . 7/3/2009
good story and im off to read the off shoot of this one )
Kida Ookami chapter 9 . 5/24/2009
"doom of the Sissy Pink Flowers" - epic X3

but my fave part of this chap has to be;

“Rukia, is there something Kurosaki or yourself would care to share with me?” he asked, voice icy with malice.

“Shit,” was all Kurosaki could manage

XD lol.
MinakoTrickster chapter 21 . 3/21/2009
This was an art. It was wonderfully done, entertaining, spot on and made me feel about every emotion in the book. You are a brilliant writer. I hope, as I'm sure any who read this, to see more of your work and that you continue writing. Thank you for your time and effort and, more importantly, for sharing this with us.
Dragon'sHost chapter 21 . 3/20/2009
Gwahahaha! I read these earlier, but I didn't have time to review and I just remembered today! I love your story. It ends wonderfully, and I'm going to recommend it to several of my friends that also like the HitsuMatsu pairing. I only held off on telling them earlier because they'd get pissed at me for recommending yet another unfinished fic. I value my life, just as much as Byakuya and Kenpachi!

Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. Congrats on finishing this great story. I take my hat off to you.
WinterVines chapter 21 . 3/8/2009
A fitting end to the story I think. It's an epilogue made how they were originally supposed to be, explaining and mentioning what happened to people. I find it funny that you mentioned Yachiru asked Byakuya. :) It made me giggle. I could see that though, as she is more impatient and outgoing. Well, I'll have to check out your other stuff soon. I would totally ship Byakuya and Yachiru. In a futureish setting of course, like you have. Thank you for sharing something so lovely. Until next time. -KG
WinterVines chapter 20 . 3/8/2009
Aww, how sweet. I didn't notice that there's only the epilogue after this. It went by so fast! And I totally understand becoming attached to the fic. Kind of odd that it can happen, but it does. The wedding was very sweet. It makes me smile envisioning everyone else pretty happy. And I think unhemmed is a word. They are liars. :) Alright, *sniffle*, just one more left...onward. -KG
WinterVines chapter 19 . 3/8/2009
I did love your little song there. Kinda awesome. Really. And poor Toshiro. There really isn't anything other than 'oh' that you could say at a time like that. And I found Ran hitting Byakuya very funny too. I smiled when I read that he said he didn't like Hanataro that much (sorry Hanataro!D:). Do I sense a hint of jealousy perhaps? Perhaps. But Hanataro needs love too. Well, I have one more to go. It's definitely attention-keeping. Onward! -KG
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