Reviews for Etched On Paper
Halfsmile chapter 6 . 11/16/2009
Great story! I felt sorry for Kagami after seeing that episode and it's nice that she has some male companionship.
InfiniteMystery chapter 6 . 2/1/2009
Lol! Love this chapter! Hehe, Misao's great here:

"You don't look like a beggar!" XD
Aruka chapter 6 . 1/30/2009
And suddenly, Masado became even more suspicious in my eyes. lol
0mniessence chapter 6 . 1/28/2009
It was really good , I wish u would put on anonymous reviews.. I'm sometimes too lazy to log in -.-".

But you DESERVE a review, which is why I even took the time to bother and log in and REVIEW! this chapter was awesome! your writing abilities have gotten MUCH better (totally unlike mine! I'm just a beginner haha)I hope to see more of your work in the future, so for now bye bye and congratulations!
nukerjsr chapter 6 . 1/28/2009
Even with your absence your writing style is still really nice. It still feels really smooth and relaxed, even though Masado appears to have this creeping aura about him. Was pretty interesting.

My only hang up is with Kagami. While she started out strong in your story she's falling into more of that tsundere-archetype who is flustered by just about anything. I don't want that to happen to her, even around Konata, so I think you need to ease up with her around her conversations with Konata or Misao.

Still, it's really enjoyable. And there's a glaring grammar error. All periods, exclaimations, commas, and question marks need to be INSIDE the parenthesis.
Mekoblank18 chapter 6 . 1/27/2009
Enjoyed the new chapter very much.

I like how you created Masado to start off as a mysterious person and find out more about him over time, good job
InfiniteMystery chapter 5 . 12/30/2008
I think your story's going great so far.

But I have to say, Kagami, Konata, and Misao are just a little bit out of character...
0mniessence chapter 5 . 12/29/2008
sigh...I want konata to be the culprit TT..but she's out now TT! sigh...o well..I guess thissin't a konataXkagami fanfic..But it's actually prettyinteresting..keep it up
InfiniteMystery chapter 1 . 12/29/2008
um, the chocolate bisciuts are called "Pocky"

Anyway, I'm liking this story. Even though I'm only on the first chapter -'

Like how well the off-topic conversations went and Konata's comments (lol).
nukerjsr chapter 5 . 11/22/2008
I'm still more and more entertained by what is happening. The analysis and study of everything was a pretty fun read. It's kind of fun to wtach everyone play detective while Masado's role is to be that biochemist who looks for evidence in between the lines.

The interaction between Kagami and Konata is just spot on. Silly, but still believeable and things are taken into consideration. I think though that this would be a great opportunity to get Masado that spark of interest. He's cool and all, but he just needs something to win over the readers.
Aruka chapter 5 . 11/20/2008
This is becoming more and more interesting. I think the person who wrote the note was Masado, but the way you put it, he might not be...

xD I love your approach to this. It's very well planned and discreet. Keep on going, 'kay?
Aruka chapter 4 . 11/8/2008
OMG, you have to update quick! I loved it~ it always made me wonder what if that scenario came out different than that of the anime.


Good job! v
nukerjsr chapter 4 . 10/5/2008
Great job. Sorry for not reviewing earlier, but this is still pretty nicely in tact. Masado is an enigma with everything, so I'm very curious to know what his intentions are. The dialogue is perfect and the characters are kept well in character. It's very smooth at the moment so the potentional is still great as every. Using this kind of theme, I believe you can be very successful.

I guess if there's any critism worth giving, it's that I'm confused with the cards. Might just be that we are used to the diamond, spade etc thing. And the scenes that use Masado could be a bit more lively. Since he's with Misao then there should be a bit more spring action.

Still great work. Now if we could only get more reviewers...
nukerjsr chapter 2 . 9/14/2008
Still pretty good stuff. I'm fairly entertained with Masado and how he acts. He's quiet, but more of in the studious or intriguing way where he notices and deals with problems fairly well. And I kind of understand the whole Kyoto trip better now due to what was shown here, since we already saw that. So it's still pretty good.

If there is a flaw though, it's over the whole name issue. For Japan it's Family Name first, Given Name second. It's a fairly common mistake, but felt more and more strange considering since we only know Masado in the boys name. (And if that's his first or family) Still, good luck to you.
nukerjsr chapter 1 . 9/8/2008
Hmm...pretty nice so far. It's kind of exciting that we get a new character who is more shrouded in mystery rather than shown to everyone, so I do hope you entertaining us when you reveal more about him. Characters, Progression, and Dialogue is comfortable and in tact so you do have me hooked. Keep going. _ I kind of want the whole Satoshi thing though to be put to bed because bullying can get on one's nerves rather quickly.
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