Reviews for Puppy Love
JinxTJL chapter 4 . 1/1/2015
Don't make promises you can't keep... (teary voice)
hartman227 chapter 6 . 2/23/2011
nice, i always wondered what happened to coyomon before wild ones.
Omen94 chapter 6 . 8/18/2010
Your writing style is amazing, you manage to describe the feelings of the caracter incredible good.

Chapter 5 was a bit sad, but the rest of the story was good.
angryducky chapter 6 . 6/13/2010
D: That was so sad! I was SO not expecting that 5th chapter... *sniff*

That was really incredible. I read this before Wild Card, going against the warning at the beginning, cause I figured, "Hey, it's a prequel, meaning that it happens BEFORE the plot." There are some places, I forget where, that you seem to have a bit of a hatred of commas. I mean, I'm at the other extreme, where, I, just, love, commas, to, death, so I dunno if that's actually the normal amount xD

This is an instant favorite, I have to say. I liked where he meets Guilmon and Takatomon(Yes, I actually call him that, more often than Takato), and the very beginning, during the fight with Can Man, Mr. Cleaver, etc. XDDD This story was amazing, keep up the good work :)
hydroknight01 chapter 6 . 2/11/2009
A hard-hitting piece here. Coyomon's loss is a profound one.

In the early chapters his mannerisms confused me a little - I found myself thinking, "This isn't it?" The naiveté was like Guilmon all over again. If that was the intention, it was very well done.

More interesting concepts here. A turbulent, uncomfortable partnership from the outset; a Digimon able to define between people and it's own, but must become a person over time. And most importantly, a death in the partnership that unbalances everything.

Coyomon was the focal point of the universe here; you made him the most emotional - and emotionally-unstable - character of the story, while making the humans surrounding him seem like soulless machines - Danny's exchange family particularly at the end.

A fantastic piece of work. Every bit as rewarding to read as WILD CARD, and a solid, interesting and truly moving origin story. My deepest condolences to Coyomon - if only they'd had more time.

Teraunce chapter 6 . 1/18/2009
Wow. A sad prequel that has an ending that makes it look like things might be heading up. I've yet to read Wild Ones. Alerted & Faved. 13/10.
NKC chapter 6 . 9/12/2008
You can learn a lot about somebody by the way they tell the story of their life. And the anguish you've managed to portray through Coyomon is truly exquisite in both employ and description.

The one thing that I love about your writing style is how you manage to so effectively portray the emotions they harbour. And that, for me, brings them to life in a most remarkable way.

I am definitely a fan of your writing. And, through your writing, I have become a fan of Coyomon. It's been a long time since an OC managed to capture my imagination, but Coyomon does just that.

Thank you for writing this story. I'm glad I took the time to read it.
NKC chapter 5 . 9/10/2008
Oh wow. Poor Coyomon. Poor Danny. My goodness...
NKC chapter 4 . 9/9/2008
Ah, a little insight into the past, and now it's clear why Danny won't fight. And Coyomon's maybe about to learn a little something about himself, I think.

Definitely looking forwards to the next chapter!
Rainbow35 chapter 4 . 9/9/2008
This is a good story, but I don't get the title. Nobody's in love. But it's a great story!
NKC chapter 3 . 9/7/2008
Wow, that was a close run thing... Still, I'm sure Coyomon's learned a thing or two from that experience. And I hope Danny realises how close he just came to losing his friend!
NKC chapter 2 . 9/5/2008
That chapter was epic. I was laughing at nearly every turn.

Coyomon is being his usual fun-loving self, but you've created a naivity in him which shows his youth, kinda like Guilmon was when he was first made. A very good touch, if I may say so.

And Danny; I dunno, he seems kinda lonely. Just something in the way your write him makes it seem like he's the sort who would rather be out travelling the world rather than stuck in one place. A wild soul, like Coyomon. Kindred spirits.

I look forwards to more. Keep writing!
NKC chapter 1 . 9/4/2008
Oh, this is going to be so fantastic! I can't wait to read more of it. Coyomon had me intrigued in Wild Card, and getting to delve a little bit into his past will be a treat.

Also, I liked the picture of him. Really helps the mind's eye to focus.