Reviews for Lessons Learned From a C Ranked Mission
SuzumeHatake895 chapter 39 . 3/25
Yay! Amazing fanfiction, as always. :3
Sayuri chapter 39 . 7/18/2019
Okay. Wow! I rarely write reviews (lazy ass I know xD)! But I just need to let you know: your writing is terrific! I'm actually surprised this gem has only 600 reviews, it deserves so much more...should I point out that drama isn't the only genre, this was packed with suspense, adventure and a touch of well placed, well doled humor?This is definitely making its way to my "absolute gold" folder.
I had trouble keeping away from my laptop, and you kept me interested along every sentence of the lenghty 39 chapters! I'm actually surprised I never came upon your profile, given the time I spent on fanfics during the last 10 years.
Oh! Before I forget, thank you so much for sharing your work with us! I sincerely hope you will continue to do so in the future.
I enjoyed this story so much! now off to your other fictions...
fancyfairy chapter 39 . 1/28/2019
I just read this story for the first time in years! I had forgotten how good it was, and how well written it is. Also it got me back in the mood to read some naruto fanfiction again. I haven't been in the mood to read it in quite a while. Thank you for this great story!
FairytailMage88741 chapter 39 . 6/7/2016
Wow. This story was really good
Great chapter 39 . 4/8/2016
I like it!)
Happy end!
Anon chapter 13 . 3/22/2016
It may be harsh, but an option for Kakashi is to end his own life before he can be used by Orochimaru. Anyways, this is a very interesting story you have here. Kudos
stillreading chapter 13 . 8/3/2015
Umm... while generally the idea of Kakashi being somehow related to Orochimaru is interesting - disgusting and creepy but interesting still - I am thoroughly confused now. I mean... Orochimaru and Sakumo were the same age. Right? And yet Sakumo took Orochimaru's daughter for a wife? And Kakashi is like 26-27 in this fic? He could pass for Oro's son, but grandson? Somehow I can't imagine a setup like this without Sakumo being a creepy pedophile or Orochimaru being much older than everybody believed.
I know, this story is slightly AU anyway and there could still be a logical explanation for all that, but the way it is now, it just bothers me more than it probably shoudl. Maybe because it is such an obvious flaw in an otherwise well-constructed story.
Belitoria chapter 1 . 12/31/2014
This story is so good. By far, my favourite one out of all your works. It saddens me to see you haven't published a new one it quite some time. I would love to read another one of your stories.
Hopeful-z chapter 39 . 11/8/2014
Thumbs up
Guest chapter 39 . 5/22/2014
Lovely! Are you sure Kakashi is your favorite character? You pretty much put him through hell... Anyways, would have loved to see Kakashi's reunion with his team. Pretty funny and happy ending though! Great job.
Guest chapter 33 . 5/22/2014
No you didn't dare.
Gai is untouchable as per Kishimoto's wishes.
I'm very displeased :(
On the other hand, lots of delicious tension!
Guest chapter 14 . 5/22/2014
LOL at the twist with Sakura and Ino going for Genma. I imagine Sakura and Ino both get worse in each other's company in term of fangirl behavior than by themselves.
Guest chapter 2 . 5/22/2014
I love the Team 7 interactions here! ;_; It makes me nostalgic for the good old times when they were just these squabbling little kids who were a bit too stubborn to actually admit that they actually liked each other. And this is a perfect transition period for Sakura! She's not annoying, but she still has a crush on Sasuke. I like how she's becoming more competent and interested in medical jutsu.
kakashihearts chapter 39 . 5/1/2014
can you create a sequel please like somehow kabuto escaped and decided to have revenge or he gathered orochimaru and found a juts to put him back together
Guest chapter 26 . 3/7/2013
Whoah...This is one of the best stories I've read! :O Orohimaru is so creepy... When I read this story, it made me shiver with excitement! I really wished that there's another sequeal to this. :D Kakashi sounds so sexy when he's in the curse mark state. Unlike Sasuke. :) I loved it when you added Sasuke saying," Sensei...if you can't protect yourself, how do you hope you can protect me..?" O mi gawd, this story made me squeal with joy. Keep writing! :D
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