Reviews for Human Nature
Reffitt chapter 1 . 3/11/2017
Intriguing concept that you pulled off wonderfully
Blackbird71 chapter 1 . 2/9/2015
"brought her back to the simulated reality." what an awesome line. I enjoyed this fic. Smith's argument was very good. I almost believe him. Almost.
EwigeStudentin chapter 1 . 4/29/2013
A wonderful story. Love it how Smith is prepared for every eventuality! :D
Is it a part of canon - "next time we meet, I will kill you, Miss Edwards"? Or is it something you came up with and enjoy putting into every story? I really like it :)
goanago chapter 1 . 11/7/2012
I just found your stories! and they are so great!
MiniMinchin chapter 1 . 8/16/2010
Wow! I loved every minuet! Really emotional.
Blue-Starlight92 chapter 1 . 9/7/2009
The Mad Maiden chapter 1 . 7/13/2009
Wow, this was such a good story. It really makes you think. Humans can be horrible and destructive, even more so then machines.

A wonderful story. :)
Caffeine High chapter 1 . 4/16/2009
...That was so freaking good I can't even tell you

I was so hoping for a Smith/Trinity, but whatever

Oh dude when I read

“Either I kill you right now and your precious Resistance will lose a valuable asset – or...” After a small pause, Smith withdrew his gun and placed it back in its holster. “...I will kill you next time. But not tonight.”

“And what about tonight?” Trinity formed a question, her brain still digesting his words, confused by this new development.


yeah...uh...the wrong image came to mind.
persephonevii chapter 1 . 4/12/2009
Enjoyed this heaps. Smith and Trin were IC. The girl's bashing was very sad and does raise a very important question... that humans can be truly destructive creatures, and Trin raised on the dogma of 'machines are teh evol!11!' by Morpheus... it would of been interesting to see where she would of went if she had further questioned that horrible event.

If she had seriously considered her position in the rebellion, what's the point of fighting for such a viscious and ungrateful race? And even more amazing is that Smith along with the rest of his 'family' actually care for that viscious race too. Maybe the Matrix is really not about the redemption between Man and Machine, it's the redemption of Man alone.
Alexxis T. Swan chapter 1 . 1/13/2009
That was wicked. Trinity is so awesome! Girl power! Smith comes 2nd. Neo is below them. I love it when Smith talks it's so cool cuz it's rare and the choice of words is nice. He totally caught her off guard didn't he with saying that he would't kill her tonight.
Lovelace chapter 1 . 9/19/2008
This is quite an original idea, and well-written also. I am really glad that Smith gets to speak the machines' point of view.
Red Queen forever chapter 1 . 9/1/2008
Wow! Gripping and thought provoking, how true what Smith says.

Well done on an excellent piece!

Morgane Lurker chapter 1 . 8/31/2008
Why, I.. I don't know where to start.

Or wait, I do know. First off, this was a very intelligently written and moving piece. Trinity was veri in character, and even though I do love TriNeo it was a nice read due to the exploration of her time and thoughts before Neo. The athmosphere of the movies felt very present overall, and the fight between Smith and Trinity was well written.

And Smith! You remnind me why I liked Smith the best in the first Matrix movie - he's of course always awesome, but his reason to fight against the humans was more 'structured' and didn't just depend on the feeling of hate in M1. He wasn't necessarily cold and emotionless, but he saw things differently. The conversation in the car was a very interesting way to highlight this.

I saw some misspellings, like 'regsitering' but overall - thanks for a great read, and keep writing!
