Reviews for Farewell to a kindred soul
Khentkawes chapter 1 . 8/28/2008
I really liked this. I've always thought that there was "something" between Daniel and Elizabeth, and I'm always surprised to see anyone who writes about them.

Their conversation at the restaurant was nicely done, just the right mixture of nervous awkwardness and relaxed friendliness mixed with a tinge of expectation. And I loved Elizabeth's insights into Daniel. The ending was brilliant. Bittersweet, but still playing on the sense of expectancy and hope that you built up all through the story. The image of Elizabeth driving away and seeing Daniel in the mirror is particularly vivid, and just a little haunting.

Just a wonderfully written story. Thanks.
ylana chapter 1 . 8/27/2008
Hmm... interesting.

I never pictured these two as a couple, but your story still worked for me, because it is well written.

It has a nice atmosphere: sort of quiet, and relaxed, and a little melancholic.

You manage to create vivid pictures (of the restaurant, and when they are walking on the street afterwards) with just a few words.

I enjoyed reading it!

