Reviews for The Line Between Love, Hate and Womanly Pride
Fine chapter 28 . 7/27
Cool cool currently sobbing rn over a fanfic that was written 6 years ago I’m fine everything is FINE
miyazono kaori chapter 45 . 7/10
This story is soooo goood! One of the best! Thank you for writing it even if it's not finished!
xozoemarie04 chapter 43 . 3/3
omg! please update this is amazing! I absolutely love it!xx
ar231 chapter 45 . 6/3/2019
It’s amazing and I’m hooked I just wish you would complete it
Stella chapter 44 . 5/2/2019
This story is so good! Except when I got to the last chapter, unless you post again soon, I was devastated because this is one of the two best fan fictions I have read. Keep up the great work
Sush chapter 36 . 11/13/2018
I don't know who you are. But you are one of the best.
And trust me when I say that because I have read a lot of fanfictions, liked some but loved very few.

Like I want to read them again and again.
it is one of those amazing stories.
The way you described Sirius Black's eyes.
Rose's emotions.
I'm totally into it.
So thank you for it.

I really hope you read this review of mine.
Thanks again.

Maybe can I message you.
I don't care if you are a girl or a guy. But the way you have described the emotions, I really want to be your friend.
Not many people have a talent to describe it.
SiriusSpiritus chapter 44 . 11/5/2018
Gratuity Lucci chapter 33 . 4/17/2018
Happy REALLY late birthday! I love and ABSOLUTELY ADORE your story. I’m not mad you didn’t finish it-as long as you’re okay and your well-being is alright, I’m happy. I’m ecstatic that you even continued to write. Thank you for giving this to me, to us, the readers. Thank you. Please take care of yourself, and I’m glad you’re taking care of YOURSELF.
liahx chapter 45 . 2/15/2018
I really do hope you come back to this story someday. It broke my heart reading and realizing that it hasn't been updated in years. Your characterization of Sirius is one of my favorites and I really loved Rose's character and Rose and Lily's relationship. I seriously hope you know that we're still here to welcome you if you ever come back into writing. Hope you at least let us know how you are! Lots of love x
Skendo chapter 45 . 1/15/2018
This is an amazing story! I love it! Please start writing it again! Please!
kriti chapter 45 . 8/11/2017
ok, this is absolutely amazing
im hooked

plzplzplzplzplzzz update
im begging u
Guest chapter 45 . 6/14/2017
I loved the story so far, and even more the revised chapters. I do hope you'll keep writing, it was great. x
Guest chapter 15 . 6/13/2017
Okay but who's Megs? She just came out of nowhere, or did I miss her for 14 chapters?
CaptainCumberbatch chapter 28 . 3/18/2017
Wow, Lily does not deserve to be forgiven that easily or at all. I'm not sure I would forgive a friend who completely isolated from herself and all my other friends without even listening to what I had to say and condoning homophobic behavior. This is rough.
Rancor9816 chapter 45 . 2/4/2017
Oh my land! Oh my stars! Why is there no more? Why leave it so cruelly, before they even had a proper kiss?!
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