Reviews for Loyalties
Guest chapter 4 . 6/22/2018
Ideas for torture un. I could go on forever, but I'll just tell you about two choice tortures. One is hundreds of tiny cuts by way of knife and another is application of red hot iron to the skin.
Guest chapter 3 . 6/22/2018
Why the kyuubi naruto relationship? They remind me of shukaku and gaara in canon.
fanakatsuki chapter 4 . 9/10/2015
Oh please need to be continued.
toshiro 46 chapter 4 . 8/30/2015
Okay...first, I wanna say that this is quite good story...However, when u label it as a romance story, there should be romance in it and not just a freaking torture!I did NOT see any romance in it yet...sure, there is fluff but not enough to label as T genre lol...So just make more romance scenes..its important in this story...By the way, the torture method is that you can call naruto to spank deidara and later naruro would comfort him...please reply when u received...rhanks a lot..
lunalover505 chapter 4 . 3/8/2015
i loved it
xenaseth chapter 4 . 6/12/2014
I never knew this pair has a fic! So glad ..!
Please update.. Thank uu!
Guest chapter 4 . 5/30/2014
Type your review for this chapter here...
Letah chapter 4 . 5/19/2013
Please make the next chapter!
The stories awesome!
Can't wait!
the-darker-side-of-things chapter 4 . 5/7/2013
hehe cant wait to read the next chapter :3
Skydancingdragon chapter 4 . 2/6/2013
You did a great job on this story. Keep updating! And my one form of torture might be to relive his past memories...since I assume that to join the Akatsuki, there must be some horrors in your life as a child.
Stream ON by BTS chapter 4 . 12/31/2012
wishfulliving89 chapter 4 . 9/16/2011
love the story. so cant wait for the next chapter. not that many dark kyuubi out there.
Visal chapter 4 . 5/11/2011
I hope that you won't take this as a flame but I do wish that you had place a proper warning for 'implied or allusions to rape' for this story. I have no problem reading about it when I'm properly warned so I can prepare for it but I do have difficulty reading about it when it comes by surprise, even when it's not graphic.

As I said, I'm not meaning to flame but I do hope that you'll amend this (both for this story and for any future ones that may contain it). Thanks for your time and consideration.
SasukeHyuga chapter 4 . 4/27/2011
You know I think deidaras to prideful it would be funny if one of his punishiment was to wear women clothing for a mounth... you should make a fanfiction for d grey man and have kanda turn into a 12 year old kanda being saved by tyki after he is beaten and raped by a gang but kanda won't behave for tyki so he gets spanked I was gonna put that idea for my first fanfic on this website but I would like you to write it instead of me cuz if you write it'll sound good I just want to see a story like this on the website it a non yaoi story just a cute family story . By the way this story is awsome.
Chosen Nightmares chapter 4 . 4/24/2011
I have a few ideas for torture you can use if you want:

1) Use accupuncture to paralyse his lower half temporarily before forcing him to watch as his skin and flesh are cut open and examined, using a version of visual (that he can see what's being done to him while not being able to feel anything) mixed with mental (being helpless to stop them even if he had the use of his legs) torture.

2) Using a genjutsu that makes him see that Naruto/the Hokage is helping him out and the Akatsuki start destroying the village after he's gotten his arms back, so they come to him and arm him before razing Konoha to the ground and letting him torture them in return before making it shatter right when it's going so well for him. This has the effect of giving him exactly what he wants before mercilessly taking it away (thus mentally breaking him a bit as he realises that the Akatsuki would probably never come to rescue him even if he was still useful to them) but also has the side-effect of making him wary of trusting Naruto/others.

3) Lying him on his stomach before paralysing him and eventually branding a seal onto his back, only telling him it's a seal but not what it does so you can make it a chakra seal that still allows him access to his chakra but slowly begins siphoning it away so that at first he doesn't think that's what it is until it's been a while and he can access less and less of his chakra. This uses the mental aspect of not knowing what's going on behind him which then heightens the physical pain of the burn because his senses would be hyperalert in an effort to find out what's going on behind him. If there are lots of people in the room this increases the effect as he can't be sure who's going to do what to him so he's even more jumpy and won't be focussing on a single person.

These are just some ideas though so you can use them if you want but, obviously, you don't have to. I can think up some more if you'd like seeing as these were just a few off the top of my head. :) Can't wait until the next chapter's out. :)
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