Reviews for Haruhi's Harem
rini anointed436 chapter 4 . 6/28
Things seem to be getting interesting at every turn with each new development. Episode four is a good awakening for Renge to separate the virtual game world from reality. The twins have a weird way of getting Haruhi's attention and trying to get what they want from her in the fifth episode. It's like sitting through a tournament to await the unpredictable outcome. Kyouya's smile seems to indicate that Haruhi's caught his fancy. Since she's more intellectually/logically inclined, others' feelings aren't something she takes into much consideration to be aware of them. It's not clear whether Mori has romantic feelings for Haruhi when he's hard to read with his usual poker face.

Although I like Tamaki, it'd be good to see someone else have a shot that isn't much featured in fanfics as a partner for Haruhi. My vote goes to Kaoru. KaoHaru is one underrated pairing that doesn't have much written for them.
rini anointed436 chapter 3 . 6/26
Kazukiyo's statements in verbatim to Kuragano's expressed perspective sounds reasonably valid in an analytical sense. Although it's very subtle, Kyouya does have a developed fondness towards Haruhi that could potentially lead up to romantic interest. When she got to spend some time with Kyouya in episode seventeen, they seemed to have a good mental connection, which would make them a potentially compatible couple along with being intellects that tend to think logically/rationally. I'm not a big fan of them as a pairing, though. My personal favorites are TamaHaru and KaoHaru. I find the TwinsHaru pairing an interesting one to explore if it can be worked out for Hikaru and Kaoru to share Haruhi in a polyandrous relationship.

Tamaki's obliviousness to his own romantic feelings for Haruhi is hilarious when he assumes that his feelings are similar to that of fatherly love and adoration. Haruhi is just as dense when it comes to processing her true feelings in the realm of romance. Their equal denseness makes for an interesting development between the two for their romance to blossom in the manga. I find that cute in a sense. At the end of the anime, it's implied that Haruhi has feelings for Tamaki when she got jealous of Eclair having time alone with him. Because you said the final pairing for this story will be a surprise, Tamaki may not end up together with Haruhi.

That bit with "breaking the fourth wall" is amusing to add to the fanaticism of the Host Club. I've forgotten about there being a mention of "Millenium Snow" in the anime when it's been ages since I've last watched it and that brief mention of it wasn't of relevance to me. Since there hadn't been anyone exploring this idea in fanfiction, this makes your fanfic an intriguingly unique one to make a parody of it. It's a nice touch to make references to the anime when necessary for this story's plot to progress. Especially with news of there being a second season of the OHSHC anime in the works, it'd be a good refresher to also rewatch those twenty-six episodes and/or reread the manga.

I can't imagine Hunny and Haruhi being more than friends either. They seem to have that kind of relationship where they care for each other on a platonic level.

"Millenium Snow" has character designs that are similar to the OHSHC main characters but with a supernatural flair to its story. It's hinted that the female protagonist, Chiyuki, a more feminine-looking version of Haruhi, eventually falls head over heels for the Kyouya lookalike, Toya. I think their romance moves faster in contrast to Tamaki and Haruhi's slow development that keeps the viewers in suspense.
rini anointed436 chapter 2 . 6/24
It's amusing for them to have a struggle with catching the key and how they ended up locked in the school. Kyoya letting Haruhi use his blazer is a nice gesture for her to see his kindness in scoring the first point.
rini anointed436 chapter 1 . 6/24
This is an interesting "what if" scenario to explore how the situation would change if Haruhi's secret ended up being discovered by all the Ouran Academy peers. Most of them seem in character. It's Hunny's reaction that seems unexpected since he'd keep his cool and and try to analyze the situation and approach Haruhi for some answers. That's just like Kyoya being the opportunist to take advantage of the situation in gaining something. With a harem theme occurring as their Host Club activities, this would make things more intriguing to witness her interactions/engagement with each of the guys.
Alexander chapter 4 . 5/18
I vote for kaoru !
SpectralTigger chapter 4 . 6/21/2019
Honestly Haruhi is great with everyone except Hunny-senpai and Mori-senpai. But I vote THE TWINS, EITHER ONE OF THEM IS GREAT AND LIKE THAT RANDOM PERSON FROM BEFORE, BOTH TWINS ARE BETTER!
That-weird-Random-Fangirl chapter 5 . 12/27/2018
I can't wait for your next update!
nerdfish chapter 4 . 3/5/2018
mehhh chapter 5?
Guest chapter 4 . 2/11/2017
kitsunells chapter 1 . 2/12/2017
I like haruhi x all host ends there my fav
Guest chapter 4 . 9/2/2016
Pretty pretty please update I vote for all of them ! Funny this is the story in emoji ...(fangirl and fanboys)shatteredblood then heal run for your life!Bobby pins walk in haruhi face
This is a great story update
SakuraLove24 chapter 4 . 7/29/2016
I vote for Kyoya
AkaChie2882 chapter 4 . 3/2/2016
I'm cheering Kyoya sempai! Please~~~~~~~~~~ make him Win.
Oxford Not Brogues chapter 4 . 3/1/2016
I can't wait for the next chapter! It's very amusing and great!
Oxford Not Brogues chapter 3 . 3/1/2016
YES! I absolutely love Kyoya and Haruhi together. You go, Kyoya-senpai!
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