Reviews for Explanation
Pheonix09 chapter 1 . 12/15/2011
Awww poor Ita-chan

That was amusing and awesome, I loved it and excellent job
Nevaeh Uchiha chapter 1 . 2/15/2010
So Itachi had sex or wants to have sex...He does not want to be a virgin anymore...I get it sorta...and what is the story of the birds and bees?
SesshyLover-cha chapter 1 . 12/6/2009
Damn lucky Itachi. All I got was:

'It's called sex. This, goes There...'
icea-blaize chapter 1 . 10/8/2008
Aw! This is such a cute way to pair them together! I'd never thought about it before, but Itachi did join Akatsuki when he was pretty young, didn't he?. So Kisame got stuck explaining some things.

There's a few OOC moments in Leader, but I think it's just because his personality isn't very well known. Everything he says is sharp and to the point. Like a leader! lol. It doesn't take anything away from the story anyway, so no big deal.

You should totally do more of these kinds of drabbles. You know, of Kisame and 'pipsqueak' Itachi (aw!) in the beginning of their partnership. You'd do some really awesome fics like that.

Three cheers for the Akatsuki!

Hip Hip!

Mewa chapter 1 . 8/29/2008
LOl that how i reacted when i got the "birds and bees" talk, freaked me out big time! good story XD
Itachi's apprentice chapter 1 . 8/22/2008
Man that was some kick-ass-one-shot can't wait to read some more of your work.