Reviews for Ex Machina
Guest chapter 12 . 3/17/2015
Amazing story. A bit sad that you dont update it anymore.
happysnail chapter 12 . 7/12/2014
Awwwww why aren't you updating this anymore?! It's so good! And you kept Wall-E and EVE wonderfully in character. I wish you'd pick this up again! You're an awfully good writer!
I'm following just in case you ever update this again!
WyldClaw chapter 1 . 1/11/2012
i thought the axiom was the only human contained super spaceship in outer space. i gues there was another one asides from the axiom. what are the humans on it like? how did they find earth
Segway chapter 12 . 2/25/2010
I love this, It's fantastic! I really do hope you'll continue this. :)
Luigi-fan470 chapter 12 . 2/24/2010
WTF (Where's The Food :D) you managed to update this story 12 times in 11 days and here we are 1 and a half YEARS later but you have yet to add a 13! Long story short UPDATE plz! thank you.
Flaming Man of Iron chapter 12 . 1/28/2009
Neat Story. Please keep writing!
OzymandiasMusic chapter 12 . 1/4/2009
Wow didn't see that coming... ok maybe just a little XD!

Just please update!
TenWings chapter 12 . 12/16/2008
IcyUmbreon chapter 12 . 9/1/2008
Well, I guess the party HAS begun. Forthright's back. Joy. -not a fan-
SevenStar chapter 12 . 9/1/2008
Great, I knew he show up at some point. Impeach him.

Good job with the story. No need to translate, I kind of guessed.

Update when you can.

Till next time.
Anime Fan18.0 chapter 12 . 8/31/2008
FTW! Shelby Forthright! Oh snap indeed! Darn you update fast; I just reviewed the other chapter this afternoon and here you are updating it when I'm about to go to bed! (Not nessicarily a bad thing, mind you)

Yet another interesting chapter. So everyone's returning to Earth now are they? I wander who's going to end up being in charge of all of them. (Shelby will want to natuarally, but I can see the people of the various ships wanting their Captains to remain in charge) Anyway, I found only one mistake:

"...‘There, now. That’s more like it,”..."

Used a ' character instead of a " character. Small mistake. It happens. (shrugs) I'm looking foward to the next installment!

Signed: Anime Fan18.0

P.S. In response to your review reply, no problem! I seem to be becoming a decent critic, don't you think? (Wonders if he should start beta-ing...)
Wing staff-4 chapter 12 . 8/31/2008
And so comes the big boss himself... Hold on, I'm just confused... Those starliners have their own docking stations like the Axiom. Why would they need clearance to land in the first place? They could simply inform McCrea that they are arriving, and the ship will automatically triangulate the position of their respective docking stations.

And the stations are far enough apart that the liners won't crash into each other...

Silly me, after 12 chapters, it was only now that I found out what Metro in your disclaimers means. It's you! Wow, I'm getting very old...
HAL-9001 chapter 12 . 8/31/2008
I do not know what it means, but is "Chyort" the reference?

I was expecting Mr. Forthright to be on the Absconditus, but it figures that he would show up sooner or later.

Man, is he going to be surprised by Wall-E!

I had considered Vox being the autopilot, but rejected that possiblity...silly HAL.
MuchaLuchaAndMe chapter 12 . 8/31/2008
No... I saw no reference. Hopefully it wasn't to me, 'cause that would just make me feel dumb. ._.

Oh snap. Did not see that coming. Jeez, Forthright. You have a weird obsession with staying alive.
IcyUmbreon chapter 11 . 8/31/2008
Yay, party.

Hehe, I just knew that Vox was an autopilot. The thing that convinced me, personally, were the red eyes.

-waits patiently for next chapter-
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