Reviews for Late
zero chapter 1 . 6/16/2014
I like your review, but there needs more sex appeal.
zero chapter 1 . 6/16/2014
I liked your fanfiction but there wasn't enough sex appeal.
FalconRukichi chapter 1 . 11/16/2013
Right...i hope more work from you!
IceFantom chapter 1 . 6/13/2009
hey, i liked it!
kallen-chan chapter 1 . 8/18/2008
wow, this was trully beautiful...brought me to tears T_T
Yoruichi 'Ino chapter 1 . 8/17/2008
that was...good!

i can see them breaking down like that
Arella chapter 1 . 8/14/2008
Sweet. Very sweet. However, I thought Kallen had lost her memories of Nunnally, and thinks Rolo is Lelouchs' brother along with everyone else? But I do find the scenario quite plausible and I pray with a dying-burn-in-hell-you-motherfucker passion that these two end up together 'cause C.C. lost her memories (yes!) and Lelouch really has no one else to turn to for comfort. We'll see how it plays out, ne? Anyways, LOVED IT!
Sakuramsm chapter 1 . 8/13/2008
Good! I dont think its to out of character... maybe Lelouch would bemore cold but its a good fic..

Keep writing

Ja ne!
DarkDesh chapter 1 . 8/13/2008
thats a really good start hope to read more soon. Keep it up.
beriath chapter 1 . 8/13/2008
pretty sweet fic!
Anonymous chapter 1 . 8/13/2008
Actually, this is surprisingly in-character for a first fic.

Lelouch, understandably, is broken. Part of him is in denial, part is in despair, and he's completely lost focus.

Kallen likely wouldn't have known that Nunnally was still in the building, but due to their conversations, she's close to Nunnally and would also mourn her death.

Kallen would also have understood what Nunnally's death meant to Lelouch, especially considering episode seven of R2.

All in all, you captured the appropriate emotions and responses well. Do feel free to continue this fic if you like, you've got at least one willing reader, and probably several more.
Kira chapter 1 . 8/13/2008
Short and powerful. I thought you conveyed all of the feelings in that moment really well. Good job!
animegamer89 chapter 1 . 8/12/2008
This was really good.

Ever since I saw the episode, I've been wanting to know what happens to Lelouch.

Very good story.
LadyFlick chapter 1 . 8/12/2008
Aw, I loved this, I really did. Though I assume Lelouch would be somewhat more frantic and gungho!revenge, I love your take on what might become of him and Kallen. This was a very good first Geass fic, so kudos on that, and in all honesty, it doesn't -seem- all that OOC. I adored this. Poor Lelouch, and poor Kallen D;