Reviews for Someday
Binka Fudge chapter 2 . 7/22/2009
Aww. Why are fan fiic weddings always so much better than real life ones? Only ever been to two to be honest, but they're so boring, I don't know why people don't just go to the reception and have a five minute ceremony between the dinner and the dancing.
Binka Fudge chapter 1 . 7/22/2009
You had me confused for a while there, completely on purpose i'm sure. I thought it was Fred and Hermione getting married. Rather odd pairing, Ginny and Lee, but why not, perhaps you could write a full length story about them, it'd be interesting to see how everything panned out. Oh and I like the comments on the dress being too hot and Fred going commando, very likely thoughts for both of them, kept in character perfectly.
ellen chapter 5 . 10/30/2008
he he mud people
ViperineVampire chapter 7 . 9/21/2008
hahah!alex is so cute!married life suits fred and hermione well!
IzzyDelacour chapter 7 . 9/3/2008
Hahahaha! Aw... I love the way Alex just says... well, everything! And the bit at the end about ruining the surprise - it did make me laugh rather a lot!

Hope you keep writing this - I do like it!

And thanks for the thanks at the end... it made me feel special! :)

~Izzy x
IzzyDelacour chapter 6 . 8/31/2008
Hahaha! I liked it a lot - very embarrassing for Hermione though!

Keep on writing!

~Izzy x
IzzyDelacour chapter 5 . 8/27/2008

The mud fight idea's great - and I love the way Bill and Fleur got involved at the end - even if Fleur didn't really have any choice in the matter!

Great writing - I really like this fic - keep it up!

~Izzy x
IzzyDelacour chapter 2 . 8/24/2008
Ah... you just gotta love the menatl image of Voldemort dancing the jig in a tutu!

~Izzy x
IzzyDelacour chapter 1 . 8/24/2008
Very sweet - I loved the way it sounded like it was Hermione and Fred getting married - cleverly done!

~Izzy x
Charlotte chapter 1 . 8/14/2008
Hi, good story, just to say, we use celcius too. lol, americans don't.

oceanwaters2006 chapter 1 . 8/11/2008
hehe cute!