Reviews for HIC!
Prats 'R' Us chapter 1 . 9/2/2010
awwww that's really sweet!
LeahElizabeth chapter 1 . 3/22/2009
Good work! Keep it up.
Sandra chapter 1 . 8/4/2008
That was so adorable, I could just imagine the look on Much's face as Robin walked away.
ShadowPlain chapter 1 . 8/4/2008
I got dedications! YAY!

‘Oh, I apologise if my suffering annoys HIC! you Allan! In case you hadn’t noticed, it’s HIC! not been that enjoyable for me either! HIC!’

Aw, bless his sarcasm!

‘It doesn’t have to be a bad one Much.’ Said Robin, who had been leaning against a tree nearby.

Heh heh. No. It really doesnt. Heh. *big eyebrow wiggle*

Aw aw AW!

And aw!

Really. Well done. This angst whore does not succumb to the power of fluff often!

...or talk in third person.

Um...sequel! Sexings! *grin*

*steals your good kidney*
