Reviews for Diary of an Angry Daughter of Hermione
thatsmeglen chapter 1 . 6/17
Garbage, did u have nothing better to do than spew shit about brave and loyal characters trough a fanfic
Lora chapter 2 . 12/19/2019
Wow. Angry, bitter, regretful...a very strong two-shot. Nicely done.
SecretSeverusCrush chapter 1 . 2/20/2019 only took 2 minutes
SecretSeverusCrush chapter 2 . 2/20/2019
Okay...i read the reviews before i read the story and expected something a lot worse. Its a fanfic! Its the authors imagination. Get over it! 5 minutes after posting this i will probably forget this story.
guest chapter 2 . 1/29/2019
dear author - go get a life! If you think Harry is shallow, you clearly have not read the ENTIRE HP series. Ron was a petty and jealous person but everyone knows that so lets not discuss it. Lets see how GREAT a friend Hermione was to Harry - she cut ties with harry after triwiz because dumb-as-a-door asked her to. she always fought with harry and scolded him to respect snape even when she saw how snape treated harry like dirt. going behind harry's back and giving his firebolt to McG could be considered her protectiveness of harry, but did she give him a warning? No. She would interfere with everything harry was doing and would want to know all his secrets but did she share her secret of time-turner with harry during POA? No. And mentioning the 6th year would be a complete waste since you did not seem to have read canon. Ignoring harry's warning about malfoy, fighting with him for the Prince book, being jealous of harry for doing well in potions and accusing him of cheating. Not to mention that she ignored him the entire year because of won-won. PLEASE dear author, give us a warning of Harry bashing if you are going to smear mud on the best character in the series.
Guest chapter 2 . 12/26/2018
I could honestly say I liked it quite a lot so I'm a bit surprised. Maybe it's because what your trying to convey is so very true. Why was there such a contrast to the before Hermione in Ootp and hbp? It was seriously odd to the point of alarming.
Hermione Granger and Ron wouldn't make a healthy relationship which would last long and Harry Potter was not such a good friend as he seemed to her since he always ALWAYS would take Ron's side even if he knows he was wrong and ginny even though I do like her- I like everyone honestly(even old voldy) is quite shallow. So is harry. Their whole 'relationship' came out of nowhere. And I wondered why on earth did this happen. No I don't ship him with Hermione. Far from it. (though thinking about it he is a better alternative to Ron? Or is he?) I guess in terms of shallowness they do deserve each other
NicoleHeart19 chapter 1 . 11/22/2018
I absolutely love this don't let the haters get to you. if you start writing again I will read whatever you post! :)
Musings chapter 2 . 7/3/2018
Utter garbage. You're utterly pathetic.
Musings chapter 1 . 7/3/2018
"My escapist character got together with the wrong person, THAT MAKES ME SO ANGRY"

I'm so glad trash like you no longer post HP fanfiction. You're pathetic.
mannd1068 chapter 2 . 2/4/2018
Wow, just wow thanks for sharing
Butterflygrin chapter 2 . 12/28/2017
omg. I feel really sad reading this. but when I read the last author note, It's frickkin funny. you saved my heart
Ashmo21 chapter 2 . 11/24/2017
This was an awesome fic. Thanks so much for sharing!
Tata-Fox chapter 2 . 8/30/2017
I've always wondered why jkr went and changed hg's middle name instead of changing du's middle name if she didn't wanted them to share a same name. It made no sense to change the name of a major charactor. But then considering how the story ended i thought she'd gone bonkers during the latter books so... yeah...
torrent56 chapter 2 . 10/29/2016
I would still like to hear just where did you get these conclusions from within the actual versions of books released to the public. Are you sure you did not get these ideas from your head or Weasley hating fanfiction?
Also if you want to hate some characters you will convince people if you use their flaws as presented in canon. Some of the comments here also seemed to have supported what the interviewers said in that Interview of Doom.
By the way the thought that Hermione was infatuated with Harry (as you seemed to be suggesting) and did nothing about it for the first five books is rather contradictory to the idea she was supposed to be a strong character. It just makes her terribly weak.
tigersmeleth chapter 2 . 9/23/2016
This is one of the best arguments as to why Hermione and Ron just don't work out. Given how they snipe at each other in the books, your scenario isn't far off. The last chapter with George was heartbreaking. Bravo!
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