Reviews for You're not Alone
Quien eres chapter 1 . 6/15/2013
It's wonderful.
So touching, sad, warmth and and cute at the same time.
R.O.B.'s fealings were well explored, his friendship too.
Everythig was amazing.
thesecularpsychic chapter 1 . 8/1/2008
You'd think they'd blame Ganondorf for the destruction instead of poor ROB.

And I fully advocate SamusXROB pairings (I myself write them)
Patinator chapter 1 . 7/31/2008
You call this a STORY?


More like a tear-bringer! ;_;

That was so great! R.O.B. had FEELINGS for once, even though I imagined him with a monotone voice...

Wow, FEMM. You've really stepped up your writing.

One thing, though.

SpacePirateGirl chapter 1 . 7/31/2008
Yay! I just finished story mode with my bro, so I can read in this fandom now. Anyway...

Wow! Your starting sentence was VERY captivating:


"The Rain fell softly from the sky as R.O.B. glanced sadly out his second story window."


The start of your story was SO depressing, too. I wanted to cry. I wanted to destroy every Super Smash Bros character! LOl. So great job in making it really emotional! It was amazing!

And I'm very glad you added in the end, so I didn't go in a rampage against Peach and Zelda, haha. It was cool!

Great job! I loved this story a lot!


P.S. Write more stories! You're an amazing author!
SakineSamus chapter 1 . 7/31/2008

Reading Rob's loneliness and sadness made me tear a bit! I loved him so much in the game. His moments made me cry! I'm not sure how this is romantic with the Samus/ROB part, but their friendship was so adorable! I believe I caught some capitalization errors, but overall, I liked it. There should be more ROB stories! XP
Ramgigon chapter 1 . 7/31/2008
It's up, hooray! :D

First things first - capitalize the title. You're Not Alone, or You're not Alone would both work.

While still on the subject, I noticed that Master Hand and Crazy Hand aren't capitalized - make sure both words are capitalized all the time.

Also, don't capitalize rain (beginning of fic) or Moving (middle-end of fic)

Finally, on the ending, you should capitalize 'drop', because it's after an exclamation point.

Second, it was rushed at the end. You might want to stretch it out, especially the second last line. Oh, and speaking of final lines, you might want to separate the "You're not alone..." part, probably by putting it in italics.

You also might want to put the ending in bold to separate it from the actual story. And you could put two horizontal lines separating the into, story, and ending, but that's up to you.

Lastly (nitpicking here lol)...

"though R.O.B. was a robot, he could hold memories as well as any human could."

Robots hold memories better than humans... You know, since they're computers and all. :P

Overall, the story was great - good emotion, good descriptions, good pace (until the end). It really does a good job of showing, not telling. And it has R.O.B., so it can't be described negatively. _
Singe Grin chapter 1 . 7/31/2008
A nice plot for a one shot, though I felt you skimming right through events, but I liked the slow pace and the emotion you had set.

You could have added a but more description, and given a bit more personality to the characters.

You forgot capitalization for Master and Crazy Hand.

Overall, great story, and keep writing!

P.S My first review, and coming from it, no one would guess I have a sense of humour.