Reviews for Beauty
mari-ness chapter 1 . 7/31/2009
hm. i usually point something out that may need a touch-up but i couldn't fing anything. nice story.
shikalvr14 chapter 1 . 4/26/2009
this is fantastic! i love "you dont love a woman because she's beautiful. she's beautiful because you love her." that was great! keep up the great work! _
Sprinkle of Fanfic chapter 1 . 12/22/2008


favourited, both ways! author, and story wise!
Shadow Owner chapter 1 . 9/24/2008
Kita Kudai,

I'd have expected Temari to have a better control of her temper, and be curious (and perhaps defensive) rather than angry at Shikamaru when he asked if she was interested in anyone in Konoha. I'm not used to hearing her swear so much, though, especially when she's not in combat. Other than that, I thought you portrayed her nicely, allowing her strong personality and possibly evasive/defensive nature to come through; I especially appreciated how you showed Temari to be tomboyish in some sense, yet still a girl who longs to be loved at heart.

Shikamaru, I felt, was written pretty well. His patience, and ability to control himself (like his logical, matter-of-fact realisation that he loved Temari) to a large extent were nicely displayed in this story. Of course, it helps that he plans things out and knows when to get serious...

“You don’t love a woman because she is beautiful. She’s beautiful because you love her.” What a beautiful way to start and end the story; nice relevance to both the title and the context. Hearing that from Shikamaru's mouth makes it all the more beautiful!
Tessia chapter 1 . 8/24/2008
Nice and funny.
Dimly chapter 1 . 8/16/2008
I liked it, and I think you had Temari done just fine. Great job! :D
Rohain Tahquil chapter 1 . 8/2/2008
Dead Man Writing Is Dead chapter 1 . 7/31/2008
It was good, although I think Temari would get mad at Shikamru for beating him to the punch, Temaris characterization was passable, not exceptional, but good enough.

Just a quick word, be careful with the use of Reiko when it comes to one shots, because new eaders might get confused. Either keep her appeareance minimal, or just mention in the authors note who she is.

All in all, cute and good. I liked it.
DevilHeart13 chapter 1 . 7/30/2008
that was a sweet little side story thingy... Although if your gonna do the wings in this one you might wanna fix the wings in Kankuro's birthday one...
Tea-PartyCrasher chapter 1 . 7/30/2008
Wow...that was so sweet! Woohoo! Go Shka and Temari! Love that couple.