Reviews for Thule, the international magical academy
Gina chapter 1 . 7/6
I'm enjoying your story very much and am sad it has not been continued.

If you ever get back to it, please correct the "knew by head" to "knew by heart".
Loretta chapter 7 . 5/1
I miss this story and hope you can continue it one day.
Ame's world chapter 7 . 11/18/2019
Owww no! I really would love to read more !
gottogreece chapter 7 . 5/8/2019
I'm really enjoying this story so far, hope you are continuing it.
cyiusblack chapter 5 . 2/21/2019
update soon
Curalium Lacrimo chapter 7 . 8/10/2018
I love stories where Harry goes to different schools and I like your idea of visiting many countries.

What I would say is show, don’t tell. Chapter 7 is mostly you just stating lots of facts - no action or plot. Don’t feel rushed to tell us everything about OC characters. If I need to know that Emily and Jennifer are best friends and one is really smart and the other isn’t, then I’m sure that eventually you could weave that in. Jennifer could be smarter then Harry in something or could be someone he bounces ideas off of during some sort of adventure. However, if she’s not key to the plot, then I probably would just hear about her in passing. E.g: once again, despite having likely not lifted a book in the last few weeks, Jennifer’s hand was the only other hand up besides Harry’s.
jamie.huntington1 chapter 7 . 7/31/2018
Hope you come back to the story. It's great
Vampirelover67 chapter 7 . 2/3/2018
Thx of absolutely brilliant I love this book so much and I can't wait for more amazing chapters I hope you continue with your story and love how uve included James and Lilly letter as well as how studious Harry is I also like how you've made this story original and how you've put ur own ideas into it and believe that ur a great writer!
FotoDi chapter 7 . 10/5/2017
This is really cool. Have you abandoned it?

I am waiting for Albus Dumbledore to go apeshit
and try to drag Harry to Hogwarts as his 'Magical Guardian'.

What a horror show that would be for Harry! He would go from a first class advanced 2-tier education to a backwards retarded 1-track snooze-fest.

Have any of the students at Thule ...

(1) heard the hype about England's Dark Lord slayer, the infamous orphaned THE-BOY-WHO-LIVED?

(2) been curious about Harry surviving the AK curse?

(3) brought familiars with them to Atlantis/Thule?
(There doesn't seem to be any pets...?!)

(4) clued in to Harry Potter's wealth?

(5) questioned why a world-famous Wizard icon was in fact a malnourished, overworked, abused, emotionally-starved [& easily emotionally overwhelmed due to his rare status as a magical empath], powerful magically, eerily mature, uncomfortable with human touch, a rare parselmouth, a probable demi-metamorphmagus, orphan - who was not only raised in the muggle world but who was also deliberately kept ignorant of his political stature.
Roostertheking chapter 7 . 9/23/2017
My I have near read such a big intro 6chapters...and when school started u left...may be u forgot what is the plot itself after writing such a long background information... Hahahaaa
Guest chapter 7 . 9/18/2017
Please update
Magic29 chapter 7 . 7/7/2017
Really enjoying lots and lots! I like the fact that his parents sent him letters! I think he should stay at Thule and not go to hogwarts even when dumbledore finds out he is not going to hogwarts! I like his group of friends
Please update! Looking forward to more!
dagondawn chapter 5 . 3/16/2017
The story was rather good read. But in the first letter near the beginning of this chapter, you forgot a lot of pause in between a large number of words. Which made reading some of the sentences rather hard.
Rafaxadrez chapter 7 . 6/15/2016
Very good
pola chapter 7 . 12/22/2015
Any chance of a Christmas chapter? ;) ...Love the story i hope you write soon!
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