Reviews for The Devil's Backbone
s0pZw chapter 1 . 9/3/2018
Veri n1c3tqfst0ri51
BetaWolfSis chapter 18 . 9/6/2014
This .Is. AWESOME! It s a grrrreat story of later alpha force! And it ends well! That is awesome! Plus I love HexAmber LiXPaulo and Lily is awesome shes definitely for Alex :) Thank you for taking the time to write this great story. I think Im gonna do some AF as well. So thank you so much :)

- Wave
Iiib chapter 18 . 8/6/2012
This is great! I can definetly see this being made into a movie! Great writing!:)
Beckyno1 chapter 18 . 1/6/2010
Ok, that was good. Yay Hex and Amber! This is most likely the first fic that I've read that they get married and have a sweet. You played all of the characters so well, and I fell in love with Matt. I felt really sorry for himself and Hex...but cheered up for Hex later. *adding story and author to favourites* Please write more AF fics!
Amber chapter 1 . 5/5/2009

this is so cool!

why did they all lose touch though? i would have thought amber and hex and li and paulo would have stayed together?

seriously, this is amazing

plz write more!

pianochick chapter 18 . 1/7/2009
I just finished reading the story, and i really love it.

You are a very talented writer.

It's been a while since i've read the Alpha Force books, and i have 5 of them, but i don't remember 'Lily' being in any of them. I'm probably mistaken. Which book is she in?

Congratulations on a great story
emmadactryl chapter 18 . 12/29/2008
Wowe! Loved that final chapter. It tidied everything up yet left mystery to keep me reading closely right until the end. Aw. Baby Matt. Hehe. Loved the last line, even though it was a tad cheesy. Sometimes cheesy is good. :P I know how annoying this can be sometimes, but seriously, I would love to see a sequel to this. Your second Alpha Force fic is just as good as your first and I congratulate you for your amazing work as a writer. Well done.
LadyEmber chapter 18 . 12/29/2008
Babe, it is indeed cheese on the web

but awesome cheese it is indeed

and baby Matt! kawaii!

Indeed, you are just way too clever at thinking up alternatives!

And yay for the completed-ness!
spinkle22 chapter 18 . 12/29/2008
Awesome! I wonder what baby Matt will turn out like, with Hex as a father :)

Great story, I really enjoyed it. Well done!

Spinky :D
Emmalea sorry not logged on chapter 17 . 12/29/2008
Oh my Gosh, Valentine! Bombshell! Really well written and I can't wait to read the final chapter. Hope my computer is working so I can read it as soon as it's loaded. :)
spinkle22 chapter 17 . 12/28/2008
No, no, no, Valentine! Why would you do that to Matt! And it's only three days after Christmas!

Well, it made me sad, and that shows you wrote this chapter really well. I enjoyed it :) Happy new year!

Spinky :D
BNTN chapter 17 . 12/27/2008
Sorry i'm still not loged in...

This chapter is good.

But (theres always a but) it moved a little too fast. I get what you were trying to do with Hex just having his brother back and then him dying, but maybe you could have had family reunion, get out and then, in the next chapter Amnias shooting Matt. But thats only my opinion and your chapter was still good.
emmadactryl chapter 16 . 12/27/2008
Oh my gosh! Cliffhanger! Got back from holidays and found all the updates. Made my day :) Thanks for the fabulous Christmas present in the last four chapters. Superbly written and the excitement is building. Can't wait to see how the rest of the story is going to go!
BNTN again not logged in chapter 16 . 12/23/2008
Poor, poor Matt. The guys in a world of trouble, unless he can find a way to save his skin.

The plot is slightly chaotic, but don't worry about it - it makes it interesting. And dont worry about not planning - I didnt plan my own reunion fic, and now I'm at a dead end.

Your revising so I presume you have some form of exams - good luck and Merry X-mas, Hannuka or anything else you might happen to celebrate.
spinkle22 chapter 16 . 12/23/2008
Aargh! What's going to happen? Alex wouldn't kill Hex! Surely! Noo! Update soon :)
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