Reviews for Gang's of Bastion
eglgrl365 chapter 1 . 11/21/2016
In the old Titanic lady's voice* It's been eight years. lol I don't know why you stoped but I kind of love the plot forming. A bit too kinky too fast on Axel' s part but still doable. Two thumbs up.
thechildofstorms chapter 1 . 7/27/2010
Please continue!
Cleonhart chapter 1 . 3/17/2010
*clears throat* HOLY SHIT, that was fukin AWESOME i loved that so much its not even funny, like i was grinning almost the WHOLE time XDD My favourite part was the CloudxLeon moments *is like # 1 Cleon fangirl* so please update soon? like plea

see :3
The Crystal Pen chapter 1 . 1/18/2010

801: AKUROKU and CLEON? You're great~! Please don't abandon the story!

TEWG & 801 chapter 1 . 12/5/2009
Ah a new fanfic from you X3... i must admit i am not really into the sora or Roxas fanfics... But non the less i made it to the buttom... i just had to read LeonxCloud *whine* .. to bad i have asignemts and therefore no time to go into fangirlmode -.-

I know it's hard to find time in between, but i really hope your updates on this one and you're Itachi fanfics will happen a bit more often, looking forward to read them.
Amiacifi chapter 1 . 10/20/2009
OMG this chapter was the longest thing ever...I like it ;P

Anyway this story is really interesting

I liked how smuty this was :D, Axel almost had Roxas to

I also liked your style of writing

So can't wait for the update :)
lauren chapter 1 . 6/11/2009
don't know if i jave already reviewed but i love the story. you mispelt poor as boor when tifa was talking to roxas
noaccount chapter 1 . 4/19/2009
Hey I think this chapter is really good so far, it's an interesting storyline. Hope you write more sometime :D
Rikkamaru chapter 1 . 12/5/2008
intawesting, intewesting. go Cloud/Leon! please update soon.

ja ne!
Spittfyre chapter 1 . 10/6/2008
...That was hot.

I think it's cool how Axel manipulates fire, and how naive Roxas is. I really like gansta-axel tough, cocky personality and Roxy's sweetness is adorable!

The begining of the chappy was cute, I love how those 3 brothers act!

I think this is gonna be on my top stories! -heart-

Please update soon, I know you siad you'd take a while and that's cool, but you did promise to update it! Lawls~
SkyeFlyte chapter 1 . 9/24/2008
Rofl, poor Roxas, he doesn't know what's going on at all!

I loved Tifa's lil' Birds and Bee's talk!

And the lemony scene was hot...

I think that the way Axel "took care" of him afterward was sorta sweet in a strange pevertyed kinda way! XD

From the way Tifa described him, it sounds like he went easy on poor Rox, he seems to be a bit of a mean guy otherwise! (bit?)

And the Leon Cloud bits were great as well, I loved 'em!

Crit; It should be Shorty's hand, not Shorties, because that means more than one~

Only that one crit though, so that's great!

~Are you gonna update this soon? I really like what you have so far, and am looking foward to Axel and Roxas's next meeting!
thriceandonce chapter 1 . 8/1/2008
Ryu: ... UPDATE!

Soma: *rolls eyes* Look what you did to her, she's incoherent again...

Sylv: Just like every time she reads a really good lemon...

Soma: Anyway, you stop with the self-depreciation! You're a brilliant writer, so act like one!

Sylv: Yes, my favourite line has got to be: "And so fate laughed smugly as it watched it’s newest experiment begin." It's just brilliant XD Poor Roxas...

Ryu: And poor Sora, if he's as oblivious as Roxas says... though my favourite line would have to be "All the way where?" XD That's just priceless...

Soma: *twitches* I hate group work. Especially randomly picked Leon will have to argue with himself. XD Don't we all sometimes?

Sylv: Yes. Especially us three. But Leon is so cute! And I wonder what happened to Cloud...

Ryu: Anyway. UPDATE! I wanna see what the brothers' rection to each other's day is... if they even find out... *grins evilly*
seaofshadow chapter 1 . 7/30/2008
I love it! Please update it sooner than that I really like it! I want to see what happens with cloud and leon and of course roxas and sora you picked my faveorite pairings!
Crashkai chapter 1 . 7/30/2008
Great story so far, but even though AkuRoku's my OTP I still liked the CloudxLeon parts of this story better, the way that they interacted was interesting! The Axel and Roxas bit seemed a bit "rushed" but I guess that's just part of the story, I hope they actually take some time to talk! LOL
Roxas-Has-A-Stick chapter 1 . 7/29/2008
So totally not a waste of anyones time. I found the fact that Axel had his own territory quite funny yet sort of vampirific (though I'm pretty sure the fact that throughout the whole of me reading that scene, Distraught Overlord was playing on my computer helped a little)

I have a feeling you haven't been reviewed by a weirdo quite like me, so I'll tell you now (because I plan to stick with this story through all -hopefully-) I tend to review like this (as in, a small part about the actual story, and the rest me being random) so i hope you're okay with that.

But overall, I did enjoy reading this first chapter, though I'm from a place where a gangster is perceived as someone who looks something between a bikie and a rap singer (only gangs I've heard of in New Zealand are thugs of the big burly kind, not skinny like Axel) so it's harder to picture, but you -if you wish to believe it or not- are very good a imagery, so it's easier than it could've been

see? The topic flails, epically.

Anywhoo, looking forward to getting the message saying you've updated (which reminds me, I need to click that alert button -I occasionally forget to)


(and it can be used to brush a tooth)
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