Reviews for Chances Stolen
bookworm45 chapter 1 . 9/7/2008
Wow. That was incredibly well done. Incredible. Very moving.
somethingsdont chapter 1 . 8/15/2008
Stop killing them. :( My heart can't take it.

The angst was wonderful though. I can't imagine how Calleigh would have reacted if Eric had died or if Eric dies now, but this is probably as close as it gets. Full of loneliness and regret; you did a great job showing that. Poor Calleigh. She should've taken her chance while she still had it!

P.S. I think you owe me a smut fic for killing one of them. ;)
Indygo-Blues chapter 1 . 7/31/2008
This was utter raw emotion the whole way through. I'm not always that keen on angst that takes things this far but in this case I have to disagree; it was fantastic.
Lemon Green chapter 1 . 7/29/2008
I don't know why you doubt yourself, lady! Now you know I'm not a huge fan of death. I don't like people dying, animals dying...heck, if I kill a bug, I have to do it quickly so the little guy doesn't suffer...

Okay, so I'm not entirely sure how I planned to segue into the review, so consider this abrupt. You honestly did really well with this. The emotions were so raw, and I honestly don't think you could have written the experience better if you were Calleigh herself.

I really liked how you did the tension leading up to finding out Eric died-it was very realistic (at least according to my experience)

I'm glad you decided to keep this up :D
Le Pecore Nere chapter 1 . 7/28/2008
that was amazingly beautiful (and heartwrenching) everytime you write an angst, you write it so vividly, it's hard not to imagine the heartbreak (or feel it). I'm very, extremely glad that it didn't end like that! All I can say is, awesome job! You have a way with angst.

thealycat chapter 1 . 7/27/2008
-applauds- That was beautiful. Absolutely heart-wrenching, but very beautiful. Calleigh's feelings were captured as perfectly as perfect can get. Tears were welling up in my eyes, but they fell as soon as I saw the words 'Eric's dead'. Brilliant. :D
mccrdel chapter 1 . 7/27/2008
it's so sad... you made me cry my eyes out.

I swear I'm still crying.

Awesome story. That's why I got your name in my alert list

(Can I ask for some E/C romance in the next story please;

even if it is an angst/romance story, I don't mind as long

as you make them get together in the end).

Bella7 chapter 1 . 7/26/2008

*is dead*

You've killed me with your angst. I hope you're happy. I might have to call in to work to deal with my sadness.

And I mean all this "you killed me" business with the highest praise, of course.

Audrey2419 chapter 1 . 7/25/2008
Oh my God that was sad. I can only say that I'm glad it didn't really happen that way. Great Job!
amyyrileyy chapter 1 . 7/25/2008
Oh dear Lord, that was wonderful. So sad, but I still loved it. I'm crying. You portrayed Calleigh's feelings perfectly. Absolutely amazing. I'm glad this didn't really happened, though. I would have boycotted the show. They must get together next season. Again, it was completely wonderful.
ladyd10 chapter 1 . 7/25/2008
That was probably the sweetest and most heart wrenching stories I've read in a long time. Brilliant! Then again, you're on my alert list. You write so beautifully.
TrishOrton chapter 1 . 7/25/2008
awe man now I'm sad :( I hope theres some EC fluff on the way or smut lol either or Its cool with me ;)