Reviews for Inferiority Complex
Guest chapter 34 . 10/24/2018
I really like the relationship between Matsuda and Chief Yagami as in canon (the anime I mean, I haven't read the manga) it seemed liked the Chief indeed was a mentor figure to Matsuda. I personally believe if the Chief had not died, he could have continued to be a guiding force for Matsuda to help him find his path and to gain more confidence and clarity in his career as time went by. I also agree that Mastsuda would make a better cop or SWAT team guy rather than a detective, as we see how competent and skilled he actually is with a gun, he was pretty composed and badass during the raid on Mello's base. Matsuda just needed a bit encouraging, more self-confidence, and needed to figure out where his true talent and abilities laid.

Back to the chief and Matsuda's relationship, It seems to me that after Chief Yagami's death, Matsuda lost his motivation for working (on the Kira case) a little bit, he wasn't as enthusiastic as before IMO. Or at least that's what I tell myself to justify the fact that after the chief's death in the anime till the last episode, Matsuda practically didn't have any role/screentime, and his role was reduced to making some funny comments here and there.

Anyway, I wish there were more Matsuda/Chief Yagam fanfics out there. I'm afraid I can't find many of them.
Guest chapter 4 . 10/19/2018
Well, it was refreshing to finally come across a piece where someone appreciates Matsuda and actually treats him like a human being for a change. That sure is a rare thing to find in this fandom/in most of the fanfictions.
Reader chapter 50 . 4/25/2015
THANK YOU for bringing us readers a fic focusing on Matsuda! This is well-written and interesting, and I enjoyed reading this.

Great job. :)
Aloujay chapter 50 . 3/16/2015
So I'm well aware that this fanfic is awfully old now but still wanted to express my thanks anyway because it has to be one of my favourites ever. The ton of different ideas (the MatsudaIdeChief ones being my favourite!), the atmosphere and the characterisation was all super wonderful. It was really beautiful to read and great to see Matsuda and the Task Force get so much love! :3 Thanks.
Birdeee chapter 50 . 10/30/2012
Waaaahh, I seriously liked this, everything was written so well.
Gimpyslair chapter 4 . 8/26/2012
Awww, so sweet! Seriously, thank you for making a bunch of Matsuda one-shots: he's the ONE character that needs more love in Death Note! :)
Guest chapter 9 . 7/3/2012
Ahahhaha the AN at the end!
Sonorous Serendipity chapter 9 . 5/15/2012
Man, I love Matsuda. :) Your note at the end is my complete fantasy. Throw in a rain drenched L and my life is complete... XD I'm glad I've finally found someone else who dislikes Light. XD He was even annoying when he was innocent. Anyway, love the story.
deactivated10-16 chapter 50 . 10/10/2011
I really loved this story- I read the whole thing through from beginning to end a few days ago, and I loved it. I don't normally like drabble-type series, but you did such a wonderful job capturing Matsuda- who's one of my favorite characters in the DN story- that I have no choice but to favorite this. My favorite bits were by far his dealing with the aftermath of shooting Light. Awesome job!
WindowChild chapter 9 . 9/5/2011
So, I've kind of been reading through all of your fics, and loving them all so much that I found I couldn't even bring myself to review, because I couldn't find words for the perfection, but, bizarrely enough, I have to review here just to say that I find the author's note at the bottom possibly THE funniest thing I have ever read. Now I have to go rewatch Charlie's Angels.

Anyway, author's note aside, you are the most gifted fanfiction writer I have ever read, and every single one of your Death Note fanfics is amazing. Thank you for writing.
The Merrill Kid chapter 27 . 8/24/2011
I absolutely love this fic! Matsu doesn't get enough love. Anyway, I love you for including a Joseph Heller quote (because Catch-22 is one of favorite books).
stelianqueen chapter 50 . 6/22/2011
Oh my god.

I just read through this whole thing, and... holy crap, that was amazing, to get to the point.

Words cannot describe how I feel.

Sorry for the bad wording and stuff, but yeah, in short: AMAZING.
Markus Ramikin chapter 2 . 2/10/2011
I see why you have a rec on TV tropes. You are really good at this.

"The Most Important Choice", posted as chapter 2, actually touched me, and that doesn't happen often when I read ff.
pretentious kneecap chapter 50 . 8/29/2010
They were all damn adorable. I'm sitting here sniffly because they were all so cute, and so Matsuda. There were a lot of laughs; some were humorous-humor, and others were dfhfhfgh-oh-Matsuda-humor, but all of them had that lace of melancholia that makes it all bittersweet and realistic and awwww I love Matsuda the end.
cominghome28 chapter 8 . 6/9/2010
"...they were being spoken from a way away" This sounds a bit odd, maybe just "from far away."

My memory of this anime being what it is I'm not sure I entirely remember this moment. However, I do like the way you've used the prompt of "Illumination" here. I really like Near's opening, "You might have won...and I might have lost." Really interesting character insight here, and I feel as though as such this one isn't entirely about Matsuda but more a mixture of the two, a comparison of both. It's fun to see Matsuda compared and contrasted with different characters, and to have their relationships detailed like this.
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