Reviews for Betrayal Perhaps
Guest chapter 1 . 12/16/2017
Thank you for this touching story. Hope you have a nice day.
AndurilofTolkien chapter 1 . 7/11/2011
luv this
LovelySinner7 chapter 1 . 12/29/2008
AW! i agree communication... very important.. I love this and i was ready to kick yami's ass for cheating but then when he said the reason i was okay...
rein hitomi chapter 1 . 8/22/2008
This review may come late, but other fandoms have kept me busy reading fics about them. Eh.

Anyway. It's true that communication is essential in whatever relationship there is. How do I say this? I do hope you're doing better. :)

With respect to the story, I loved how you portrayed a more matured Yuugi than what most were accustomed to, and it was not overdone. The introspection was most remarkable. It did not come out as something with heavy angst; it was just right and real. :) Keep it up and good luck!
BlueStar29 chapter 1 . 6/27/2008
you sound like you're going through the same thing i'm going through. my friend started ignoring me, pretending i wasn't there about a month and a half ago. though, i refuse to be the one to say anything to that bitch about it. i think we're finished for good.

on a story note, this one made me think about how my friend and i have not done anything about our problem, just like yugi. however, i always give her ugly looks and mumble "eww" when she's around. her very presence pisses me off. anyway, this brought me to tears b/c it made me realizse that i was emotionally numb to something that i'm completely enraged about.

(and i liked that it was long; kept me busy for a good forty-five minutes)
Classy Abigail chapter 1 . 6/27/2008
Wow you really had me going there! Really cool story loved it!
MzNightmare13 chapter 1 . 6/27/2008
I am so proud of Yami! I was a little upset at first but things turned out for the best in the end.