Reviews for The Changing of the Constellations
Eden chapter 30 . 6/25
This was one dark book
PaintingMusic14 chapter 30 . 6/2/2017
(Again, I apologize for the lack of paragraph intendations)
Once more, I am baffled and completely lost as to where to start and how in the world you managed to instill such angst in me. This story was of course shorter than the previous one, but again still managed to snatch me up and refuse to let go until I had finally devpured the last of its pages (which was 3 am, might I add).
As I have not read "The Horse and Its Boy" for quite some time, I truthfully did not expect to enjoy this story that much. I was wrong, of course. After about 2 chapters I was hooked, and totally in love with all the characters that were somewhat familiar (I had to look up who Avaris was due to poor memory!). Altogether I thoroughly enjoyed this sequel, though admittedly not as much as the first, which had nothing to due with the writing! I most likely just missed the presence of the Four...
On another note, I have not started the conclusion of your trilogy, but why is it ONLY 10 CHAPTERS?
I must investigate...
FairyPirate chapter 14 . 10/12/2016
TheWitchofLOTR chapter 30 . 4/24/2016
HOLY GUACAMOLY. I was FREAKING THE FRICK OUT MAN at the end of this story. YOU. ARE. SUCH. AN. AMAZING. WRITER. I would have never expected how perfect the end of this was. I truly cannot express to you in comprehensible words how amazing this is.
scarl3twitch chapter 30 . 6/5/2015
I absolutely love this story and your writing! After reading HKDS I was worried I wouldn't like the sequel as much but that was a complete mistake on my part! It was extremely intriguing and very well-thought out. I had no idea what was going to happen next, and I must have said "just one more chapter" around 30 times last night. :)
I love Aravis and Cor-you've written them perfectly! And the twist with Edina/Jadis was brilliant. Thank you for taking the time to create such an incredible piece of work that really provokes emotion.
Can't wait to read Nightmare!
scarl3twitch chapter 22 . 6/5/2015
Noooooo first Corin and Abrastan, now Saedra! My heart is aching. You've written this scene fantastically! I was on edge the whole time! :(
scarl3twitch chapter 1 . 6/1/2015
Love Aravis! :) She's just awesome.
Also, setting the story several yrs in the future after the Four disappeared was a really smart choice. It's very interesting to see Talia progress from innocent child to burdened, full-grown woman, and to see the other negative implications of Saedra's actions.
SexySade chapter 1 . 10/9/2014
I adore this!
HideSeekKeep chapter 9 . 7/4/2012
This chapter was absolutely perfect. I loved Aravis being noble and risking her life (multiple times!) to save Cor, and I loved that he still managed to get upset with her for it. At least this argument ended the way I had hoped it would. Brilliant work.
LuMezenga chapter 30 . 1/6/2012
Haha, the "beautiful land called I Love Him and He Loves Me."



How cool is THAT?

Perfect ending for the both of them.


Ramandu's Daughter's name is Lilliandil, but I forgive you.

Didn't figure it would take that long for Caulitha to heal. I mean, 1300 years or so are a bit too much...


You didn't relive Corin. I'm sad. I mean, he wasn't SUPPOSED to die. His last joke kept the girl who loved him throughout his life away from him.

I certainly hope "Nightmare" sets things right, since it's about changing the past...


And I would have read this story all in one day, but forgive me because I started it right after finishing "The Secret," at one am in the morning of this very day. Too bad I was to travel here, to my "mountain house" or whatever you call it in English, and my iPad only gets wifi.

No wifi whatsoever on the roads.

So I was like, "I'll finish this as soon as I get there," and I almost did, were it not my parents dragging me to go out. I couldn't say no to their faces three times in a row, so I went. My thoughts were clouded the whole time about what had happened to Talia, Cor, Corin and Aravis. I hope you realize the effect you have on people through your amazing writing - at least, on me.

I just want to say, nicely done. If my constant (and boringly long!) reviews were not enough indication of my admiration towards you, Tasty, I'd like to say it here. You have earned your place as one of my favourite authors ever (and that includes Lewis and Cabot). I hope you Alize how big that is, and how much of an example you are to me and so many others young writers and readers.

I just hope that, one day, I can write and captivate just as well as you do.

And so I leave, with the the three little words I'm positive everyone wants to hear...


LuMezenga chapter 29 . 1/6/2012
So Rahai DID blow the horn. Hmm. She had reason enough though.


No! Edina will loose to Jadis. And Caulitha will be healed, but only after a lifetime.


Poor Talia. Seriously. Di you hate this girl?

That's precisely why I want to make Corin relive. Maybe that's why Cristabelle was so relieved...

Okay okay, impossible. There's only one more chapter left, and I am almost in tears. Honestly. Even if Corin DID relive, he would be married to Crista, who'd be expecting a baby. Talia could never be.

I wonder what Aslan wants to talk to them about.

And there is still the battle against Telmar, but they will have the aid of the Lonely Islands.

I hope.

LuMezenga chapter 28 . 1/6/2012
Okay, so imagine the following sentence being repeated several times in a sing-song childish voice.

*Aravis loves Co-or!*


Rumour has it that Lord Peridan indeed WAS the one who took things over the Cair after the Disappearance. I just remembered it. Even on the smallest of details you are loyal to the book. Impressive.


You know, it's impossible for Talia to be looking for Lord Reine for her to kill, because Tumnus told her and Cor and Aravis that he himself took the life of the so-called "Lord", right after Saedra died.

Now if you make Talia die... *trails off threateningly*


Rahai didn't blow it, I'm nearly positive. Someone else did, by accident or not.

Things tend to get even more mystery...


P.S.: next chap Cor says 'I love you' back to poor heartbroken Aravis...? I surely hope so.
LuMezenga chapter 27 . 1/6/2012
Talia can't be 22. Seven years after the disappearance, dear, she'd be turning on 21 now. She was past thirteen, remember?

And merpeople? GENIOUS.


Poor Bria has gone insane... Don't blame her though, living with that filthy husband.


Own! Can't get enough of Cor and Aravis!

And was that a marriage proposal or what?


Oh, Meridian is the second person in this story who deserved his death. The first one was Reine.

And, Marrina Felcar AGAIN? These Telmarines are not creative enough to kill in any other way?


Corin. Seriously. We haven't had word of him so far for a reason, and I'm begging it's because he'll come back. That bit about Aslan's country was worrying, though. But Saedra has been to Aslan's country and returned.


LuMezenga chapter 26 . 1/6/2012
Yeah, she better! I don't want Cauli to die!

And I've noticed Ethan is like a brother to her, that must hurt him so much - to have his relative nearly dying and having you incapable of saving her.

I need to know the end of this.

Like, NOW.
LuMezenga chapter 25 . 1/6/2012
This is... Hard on everyone.

Seriously though. Make Corin a survivor of some way.

I BEG you.

And, if it's not too much to ask-

Don't. Kill. Aravis. Or. Cor.

Or Rahai or Priyah, for that matter. They suffered enough. I like those girls, they're strong and independent.

Perhaps you could make the guard, Rory, fall for the Telmarines Princess (if he hasn't already)? That way she could let go of Peter and move on.

Don't have a plan for Rahai though. I assume she's happy with her wild freedom.

She's never told me otherwise anyways (:

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