Reviews for He Can't And Can
whitebengal14 chapter 1 . 11/17/2009
aw... poor Taira.

there's not enough Chiba/Taira, its official. D:
Angelde1 chapter 1 . 6/27/2009
This is a such a little drabble, but it was amazing, and I like the way you write emotions because it's like I can feel them. Like I'm not really just reading them off a page.

poor taira.
Kazima Kuwabara chapter 1 . 5/19/2009
Finally a good Beck fiction, and i appreciate this couple even if it's one sided. Thank you for writing this, once I have time and I'm better I hope to write something as enjoyable as this.
strawberrypockygrapefanta chapter 1 . 2/25/2009
continuing my crusade.

of scouring FF for Beck: MCS fanfic. we now have a section so please move your story there.

let's keep this fandom alive.

keep writing and good luck!