Reviews for Ghosts
Guest chapter 1 . 5/18/2018
This was beautiful
negativefeeling chapter 1 . 4/7/2017
Thank you for this fanfic. I really loved it. Also, I could almost see it illustrated in the fashion of McKean's Arkham Asylum... Kudos for your work!
FanladyGreen2012 chapter 1 . 11/3/2016
WELL THAT WAS A LOT OF FEELS FOR NO GOOD REASON. It was pretty nicely written though. Awesome story.
Siesumi chapter 1 . 12/21/2015
Why did you have to go and make me cry? :(
Heartbreaking but heartwarming too. I'm bookmarking this but I don't know if I'll read it again.
It's too hard to imagine Clark actually waiting for Bruce and the rest to appear as ghosts long after they are dead and gone.
Desiree1717 chapter 1 . 1/19/2015
That's sad. :( I love it.
judy chapter 1 . 3/9/2011
CREEPY, but sad and lovely.

very sad...
Piole chapter 1 . 8/25/2010
Sad, sweet and awesome. One of the best S/B fics i have read.

Thanks for sharing it.
ZodiacSnake chapter 1 . 7/22/2010
thats so sad & fitting & i dont know it just makes since that the Batclan Alfred & Selina would all become ghosts in Wayne Manor it just seems right if sad & some how i love the idea of Clark being there to see & listen to them all. Poor Clark he just lives on.
Wow. Long review chapter 1 . 6/29/2010
Whoa. Only five reviews? Crazy. This story was fantastic. I read it a long time ago, and only came across it today without recognizing the title- but when I read that summary, I was like, 'Oh, yeah. Yay!' This story is amazing. It gives me chills just reading it, and I wish that I could tell other people to read it, but alas, none of my friends are 'into' Batman and Superman fanfics. There were so many amazing pictures put forth by your writing, and I could see everything- Clark falling asleep on a big chair in front of a fireplace, the mirrors, the chandelier, swinging with voices just hanging in there.

I hardly even read fan fiction anymore, but I had one of those little...I don't know...cravings? So, I go on, and find this. Lucky me. I think that that settles that. I loved everything about it. It was just so...ack, there isn't even a word to describe this. Bittersweet- which is what I'm leaning for- doesn't even do it justice- this story is just...I don't know. I'll settle for Whoa, and leave it at that.

And this whole rant of, course. summarize...this story was amazing, fantastic, bittersweet, haunting, chilling, heartwarming (sorta), awesome, and just...WHOA.

And the little pieces from 'The Picture of Dorian Grey' just set such a beautiful mood. All in all, it was a very classy and well-written fic.

Dunyazade chapter 1 . 12/25/2008
oh man, my laptop says I've got 20 minutes of battery left. I KNEW I shouldn't have reviewed "Up on a House Top" tonight, but I just HAD to.

So... I'll do my best to do this fic a tiny bit of justice before the juice runs out.

Ahem. As you are probably aware, there is no better time for a good ghost story than Christmas Eve, which is when I re-read this particular story of yours for, oh, maybe the fifth or sixth time. And because it was just the prefect time to read it, I figured it was also the perfect time to review it.

It's a really, really lovely ghost story. But of course you know that. Two amazingly compelling scenes: Vesper's ghost in the bathroom. Clark saying "no" and quietly closing the door on her. Oh my gosh. That just... this whole story, really- it just makes me ache. Tim's ghost on the couch. Definitely the most poignant moment. I hate to use a stupid word like 'poignant' to describe it, that's how good it was.

then back to Metropolis. For the most perfect ending. But not before one genuinely creepy image: the water, creeping across the floor and sliding up the wall. I LOVED that. LOVED it! It made me shiver and I swear to you, I had to curl up in a ball under my blankets to finish reading. Just so perfect!

Yup. my computer's going to die and I don't have time to get into any discussion of anything that I want to- but yeah. Vesper crying in the bathroom and clark closing the door on her... that's going to stay with me for a long, long while, because you're just an amazing writer that way.

Merry Christmas, Harmless One. And thank you again and a million times more for all your Clark/Bruce stories. You are the best. THE. BEST.
BlackRoseThorne chapter 1 . 10/25/2008
That was the saddest most beautifl fanfiction I've ever read. I almost cried.
uknoit863 chapter 1 . 8/25/2008
I've found the word I want to give your writing.


Like the darkest of chocolates that entices the senses; silky under your fingertips and deliciously ebon to the eye, with a scent that hits the back of your nose and a taste that leaves you in tears, sounding moist and brittle all at once.

Wonderful. Just wonderful. And deeply, deeply bittersweet.
BrethlessM chapter 1 . 8/2/2008
Beautiful and gothic. I love Dorien Gray!
ntc chapter 1 . 6/11/2008
I see that you have mellowed somewhat from Mostly Harmless to Harmless :) Trying to cut down on the online aliases you use?

I think I might've read this fic in at livejournal or somewhere before you've posted it here. only, at that time, i wasn't aware that you were the author :)

How to describe this story? Haunting. Angsty. an ending that is wistful, hopeful, and incredibly sad at the same time. although the ghost and whispers of a beloved can provide some measure of solace, it can never hope to become substantial enough to provide tactile comfort, can it? ultimately, there can only be despair. and that can't be too healthy for Clark's sanity.

anyway, i need to congratulate you on winning best humour fic for your 'Ten things that go boom' story (oh yes, i've definitely been lurking around the DCU fanfic sites these past few weeks). it is much, much deserved. i'm just happy that your work is acknowledged and through it, hopefully, more people will know of your stories and talents.

i'll be waiting for the next fic from you. cheers.