Reviews for Real
LadyKryptonite294 chapter 1 . 6/7/2008
AWW that was beautiful! Very well written for a 20 minute job lol

I am currently writin a Sara returns story, but it isn't posted yet i want to write a few chapters b4 i post it. Would u be interested in beta reading it for me?

Very nice one shot, extremely emotional, luved it _

Cee xx
Jaiaelle chapter 1 . 6/5/2008
I began checking for a story like this as soon as I read about Sara's return. I'm glad to have found one - and one so beautiful as this. I can't wait to see their reunion...this makes the wait more bearable.
Ily18 chapter 1 . 6/4/2008
hey, it is short, but is also very touchy and so romantic and so... MiSa!

i loved it, and I'd like to see a reunion like that between those two.

This the part I loved the most:


“You’re dead,” was all Michael said. Her image was so clear before him that he was beginning to doubt his insanity.

Sara let out a small laugh. “Do I look dead?”


I can totally see this scene in my head. Sara giggling and Mike with a mix of a quizzical and surprised look on his face... Love 'em!

and also love your fic!
crazylove06 chapter 1 . 6/3/2008
I love it. Its so beautiful, you portrayed Michael's emotions well in that he wouldn't believe at first it could be real. I can't wait for the reunion in the show, you wrote it much like I imagine it happening.