Reviews for Four AM
irishhair chapter 1 . 11/2/2008
This is really lovely and it has a nice sleepy feel to it. I wrote Neon/Ultra in a bath too lol. The Mighty Book of Boosh has a lot to answer for ;)
Beechwood0708 chapter 1 . 6/10/2008
O my lord, that is amazing. It's got the exact same beauty to it as you describe in the city- it's such an insignificant moment, with so much squalor and lowness around it, but it's so beautiful becase of that.

And the way you described that beauty was stunning- I know exactly where it's coming from. There really is such an amazing beauty in something that's falling apart, it's all the sadness that it couldn't be something more, but there's something else as well, because if it ever was anything more it'd lose everything that made it beautiful. The imagery is absolutely gorgeous too- it's vivid but with a hazy atmosphere, almost like you're seeing it as Ultra sees it, through a sort of tired haze.

That feeling of relief you describe comes through so well in the atmosphere too. The pace is so slow, but it has that charge to it, which feels exactly like not being able to sleep after a night out. That feeling mingles in wth everything, and it seems both them and not at the same time, so it emphasises them when they're too tired to be them any more, and so sort of emphasises itself by being itself, if that makes sense.

I like the thought of them defying labels too- it fits so well with the way you write the fic. They're not trying to make a point, they're just them, alone, with no need to be defined.

And the way the violence is disregarded is really wonderful. It plays so well on how the violence is always such an intrinsic part of them as characters, but that between themselves they've transcended it- it shows their closeness, how they're almost one person because they don't have to play to appearances with each other.

I love seeing Ultra so thoughtful too. The way you write her is so real and just beautiful. And those subtle comparisons between them and the landscape are perfect- the way you've taken two characters with hardly any development in the show at all and turned them into these sort of defiant lost souls just trying to better themselves, with each other as their only saving graces is nothing short of genius. And the images of the neon lights shining on them symbolises them so well- it's all that lowness and dissatisfaction and all that muted beauty and the brighter side to them that comes through in the show all at once. And just the image of a faded neon light just is them in this story- it's how they're too tired to shine at their full brightness for now and exist in essence, but in a way it's like the arteficiality of them has been stripped away, and there's no more pretense, just the real, actual them. And it's how they're almost doomed to this life, in a way, but it's still them and they couldn't live any other way.

And the way the sex is so downplayed- it's almost like the ante-porn. It's so natural, it epitomises that closeness between them, how they can have sex and think nothing of it, because it's ust something they do with each other. It's absolutely beautiful.

love forever

northernbullet chapter 1 . 6/4/2008
I'm sorry for not reviewing this before - I didn't see it because of the bloody site hiding the M rated fics from me. I keep forgetting, and now I feel bad 'cuz missed out on one of yours!

Anyway, for a second I thought I might kill you for this, lol, but that was until I read it and decided I love you instead! Your writing style is so gorgeous. The opening, talking about four a.m. being a strange time, was so enveloping and perfectly captured that weird late/early vibe I always feel at those times.

The girls were wonderful - your descriptions were really cinematic and beautifully detailed, and I loved their little nicknames and how four a.m. Neon was different to public, crazy, violent Neon. Setting it around the bath was so intimate; sensual without being overtly sexual, and so understated. I could feel the silence and power of the night-time all the way through.

You're basically a genius. You've written things that I'd never have thought I'd care about - I never gave much thought to Neon/Ultra or to femslash, and this is stunning - I just loved it. Similarly, I've never really been into using real people in fics, and if someone had proposed writing Noel/Vince, I probably would have laughed or cringed. But then came Bliss. You've immersed me in all of it.

So, hats off to you. Again.
ultra-electrogirl chapter 1 . 6/3/2008
omg, ur soo lucky! brilliant fanfic ideas a RiD gig? i was gonna go when they came up to manchester b4 my stupid parents moved me to america, where, i don't think, they've toured yet! if u ever get close enough to them to talk. please tell them to. but anyway, review! loved the UN pairing, and you could probably rate that T. but it's defo favourited
ButtonsMagoo chapter 1 . 6/3/2008
Y'know, I hate it when I cant comment on brilliant storys.

This was really well written, Neon and Ultra aw :) soo cute, look i'm not even going to try i've just got one word for this.

Bloody brilliant (OKay two words.)

I really liked it :) Love a bit of Nultra (or U/N whatever)

And i'm really jelous, you met the robots and noel! O.O Lucky, lucky girl! Never fear, i'll meet them too... one day! Hehe!

Great work here hunni!

love you

brokenmoonlight chapter 1 . 6/3/2008
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!

I love your Neon/Ultra stories.

There was a gorgeous underlying erotism about it (or maybe that's just me thinking too much!) but was also undeniably tender and calming at the same time, just the little things like the foot rub and the playful banter. It was so gorgeously descriptive too, especially this:

'Neon does look like a doll. Even with her eye make-up faded and a bit of rouge smeared under her lower lip. Her skin is flawless, her eyes a bit glassy (probably because of the drugs, but that doesn’t matter), her hair is dark and lustrous even when it’s full of sweat. She looks like a doll that’s falling to pieces, in a very beautiful way. Her height, which is normally unnoticeable because of her energy, is suddenly evident.'

And the build up to the ending was perfect - it felt lazy and comfortable and completely right, and I love the little names they have for each other too, like 'babe' and 'doll'.


Good luck with your exams! :)

Love you.

electricskeptic chapter 1 . 6/3/2008
Hey, thanks so much for the dedication, honey!

And what a dedication to have! I absolutely adored this! The atmosphere was so lazy and relaxed, with just an underlying feeling of subtle sexiness. It really showed a different side to their personalities that we never normally get to see.

I loved Ultra's inner musings, the stuff about the rain and the lights from the shop. It really made the most boring, every day things seem really quite beautiful. And the comparison with the snow was just gorgeous, very true and perfectly in keeping with her character.

Your descriptions of their relationship and how it can't be defined really fitted as well. It made me think of that old song, 'Friends and Lovers' though I can't for the life of me remember who sang it now. Meh.

"Her height, which is normally unnoticeable because of her energy..." - that line seemed to sum up Neon - and Dee - perfectly to me. It never fails to amaze me how such a small person can have such a very big presence.

I also liked your explanation of how, while Ultra likes to be alone, she also can't live without Neon. Again, I think it's on a perfect parallel with how their characters are portrayed in the show, even with the very minor parts they play.

"Weren’t there two comedians or something where one was tall and one was short?" - That made me laugh. I assume you were thinking of Noel and Ju when you wrote it? I dunno, you might not have been, but it made me think of them anyway. And it's kind of true, in a way - most double acts are actually polar opposites, they have to be for what they do to work. Oh, and this anonymous 'Johnny' guy - Johnny Two-Hats, by any chance? I always thought he was a great character, as well.

The slightly sexier bit at the end was wonderful, too - the change in atmosphere was lovely and realistic, and it felt like such a natural thing, as though they'd been doing it for years and years. Your 'lustful descriptions', as you called them, were... *ahem* muchly appreciated. You've provided me with some very happy images now ;)

"...everyone thinks you’re the hotter one. Blokes and girls.” - Made me feel slightly guilty, in a weird way, because I have to admit that I do find Dee just that tiny bit more attractive than Sue. Not that Sue isn't gorgeous, and I definitely wouldn't say no. I don't really know why, I guess it's just a matter of personal preference, but all the same...

"It wouldn’t even matter if they both dropped off, slid under the water and drowned, because they’d be together." - That sentence was just beautiful, that feeling of when you love someone so much, you'd be quite content to die tomorrow as long as you stayed together. And the last line summed the whole thing up perfectly.

Thanks so much for writing this, it was the perfect fluffy pick-me-up after a hard day. Needless to say, it's going straight to my faves. And I'm sorry I haven't been around much lately; don't worry, 'Threads' will be making a comeback very shortly. And I have a couple of new projects in the pipeline, too, which might appear sooner than you think...

Love you muchly,

-C.V. x
JellybeanPunk chapter 1 . 6/3/2008
Beautiful! I love UNfic, hope you write more :D