Reviews for For Want of an Energy Boost
ImaginaryGirl7 chapter 1 . 2/3/2012
Wow. Just wow. You are so selfish. I just can't believe you. You even made me cry. You wanna know what you did wrong? There you go, writing another amazing fix, and I love it, and I have to live with the fact that you won't be making any more. Thanks a lot, Dude13. Thanks a lot.

Wow, I just had a total Bloo moment... But seriously,



Sarahbelle Saunders chapter 1 . 8/7/2008
XD I woke up my entire family and got complaints from how loud I was laughing! Aw, I just love Mac when he's on a sugar rush: feral and cute! With Frankie being hyper too, I guess he DID meet his match!

The odd thing I noticed was that a spoonful of sugar got the same effect/affect as (quite a few?) energy drinks! Huh...

I'm putting this on my favourites for how well written it was!

252nd Crysallis chapter 1 . 8/2/2008
OMG it's like a million Goos.
The Illustrious Crackpot chapter 1 . 7/6/2008
Well, I for one think that this story should be enough to keep people from abusing those silly "Red Steer" beverages; after all, if it can make one equal to a sugar-crazed Mac, it can do ANYTHING.

(On a side note, I've gotten my little brother hooked on your stories; he's read through almost the entirety of "More Than My Friend" already, and he really enjoys them, though he's been a bit muddled by "the great liberties taken with the Foster's universe", i.e. making Terrence a druggie and then killing off him and his mom. But my brother's just not used to "fanfiction" quite yet. ...As well, he hasn't gotten up to "Wishing Only Wounds The Heart", but the other day he just randomly started talking about how awful it would be if Terrence wasn't actually dead. It was so hard not to crack up when he said that.)
Amalockh chapter 1 . 6/16/2008
If there was ANY semblance of a lesson here in this story, it's NOT okay to overdose on sugar. It's just NOT.

On the OTHER hand, I'm addicted to dark, classy Chocolate, like Hershey's "Dark Chocolate", the CLASSIEST chocolate of them all. I guess this is a close call...


Snowleo chapter 1 . 6/12/2008
Herriman might learn the result of too much work NOW, huh? Then again, he never does...
United Profilers chapter 1 . 6/3/2008
Yay! A fic with a sugar crazed Mac AND Frankie!

I hope I don't sound demanding or anything but...please do more!
Falconlobo chapter 1 . 6/3/2008
that was funny nice job
Super Reader chapter 1 . 6/3/2008
Ha! Mac certainly knows how to get Frankie to calm down. At least Mac didn't go nude this time. But I can totally picture Frankie trying to work her chores off early before Herriman tells her too. Drinking energy drinks would just help. By the way. Do energy drinks really work like that? I don't drink them, so I wouldn't know...:D
GamerJay chapter 1 . 6/3/2008
Mac's a pretty smart kid. And this fic is a testament to whatever unorthodox solution Mac always has on hand to solving any problem there is. And the outcome was just touching to read.

Nicely written. :-) Excellent for your 50th story.
Gesperia chapter 1 . 6/3/2008
Very funny. Good job!