Reviews for Crimson Lake
Taromaru chapter 5 . 6/24/2015
And now we know why Misty hate bugs so much lol. Sorry, I needed that lame joke to offset a lot of grim despair I'm feeling after reading it to the end. (sighs sadly)
BlackCranez chapter 5 . 11/29/2013
This is like the scariest story ever! I have such an urge to just hide under my blankets now maybe because it's 2:40 at night but it really gave me chills. And THEY LET THE DEMON GET AWAY!UGH!
ThatonegirlfromdownT chapter 5 . 3/23/2013
Oh gosh this was disturbing! More distrubing than may having sex w harley! No happy ending ethir:( all pokemon stuff has happy endings, or at least a bittersweet ending:( other than that... was super scary! Ur awsome at wt u do!
ThatonegirlfromdownT chapter 3 . 3/23/2013
Oooo how dirty! Ash nd misty had sex! And i think the beast could be max, harley, misty, or even...(dramatic music plays) PIKACHU! Bum bum buuummm!
Rioluisa chapter 5 . 7/29/2010
This really was a chilling and scary story.
ATFMJ2018 chapter 5 . 2/11/2010
It's messed up, depressing, creepy, violent, bloody and has a sad ending to boot? I love it. You did great with it. I was kinda shocked to find Misty the killer but even then, I was intrigued. Thanks for making this one.
LadyLinus chapter 5 . 11/16/2009
I loved this fic!

It made me cry (and I can't stand Ash, but his death got to me)

Very well written, I can't wait to read more from you.
Just me and myself chapter 5 . 5/20/2009
This story was horrible in a fantastic way. The characters that we all love, you killed, the monster is still roaming free, and everyone that was still alive thought that Misty had a mental break down with no evidence to support otherwise. Not many authors travel down such a dark path because it is not crowd-pleasing, I applaud your talents and your willingness to share what others would deem unreadable because there is no happy ending. I greatly enjoyed reading this story, even though it will be a while until I don’t freak out when a mosquito bites me:)
CailinNollaig chapter 5 . 2/28/2009
Okay, I usually write longish reviews - but I don't really have MUCH words for this..

Ash and Misty were a little OOC at the start, but nothing that can't be overlooked. Misty was very cold-hearted at the start, I mean, she's not THAT bad. Ash was a lot more... confident around Misty regarding flirting than he would really be, but hey, they're older so who knows.

I thought Brock was great in it, seperating Ash and Misty all the time and being Misty's chaperone when she was leaving. Sweet of him, exactly like Brock.

May and Drew were funny, making out all the time. Drew was such an idiot when he was getting killed, I mean, to walk up and hit it. Yeah, yeah he thought it was a rabbit but honestly.. xD oj, don't take that personally.

May's reaction to Drew dying was fairly realistic, I just wouldn't expect her to gossip with Misty then that night. I think it would have been more apt if she had of kept to her thing of no talking.

I was sad to hear Pikachu died, it was the thing that made me angry with Misty most. Okay, so it wasn't Mist but even so.. Oh, Ill get to that in a minute.

Ash was so cute in this fic, his feelings for Misty were adorable. I thought it was very fun and interesting. I feel so sorry for him though, he just gets to find her and she dies - not before kiling him though! lol He certainly hit the jackpot there!

Misty was very agressive, but otherwise I suppose she was good. I only realised it was her when she said it after sleeping with Ash, to be honest, I thought it was Brock - who was inconsequently, the hero.

Nice job with keeping us guessing as well! the anxiety and building anticipating was brilliant!

Okay, now to Misty and the bug. I think the plot was great, and bravo for thinking of it - even if you had help from EVAN AAML (I think I got that right?). It was an original idea and the bug idea was a nice addition. I was so angry at the end when everyone thought it was Misty in the end. Like Delia and Brock, they thought it was Misty! DAMN! That's not fair. It makes me feel like I did at the end of Batman:The Dark Knight.

They blamed it all on Misty! She was really innocent though, if you think about it. Her poor sisters!

Brock was the hero - wo! I just wished he believed that Misty didn't do it. Even if they told the police she did, if you just said something like 'So he would report Misty, her inner demons being awakened and triggering a killing spree. A muderous streak that run in her family - he would tell the police this. Even though he knew not one word was true and the real culprit was currently making off... unscathed' Okay, not quite, but something like that. :) I'm just a sad misty fan, so ignore that if you must ;)

Oh, and ASh and Misty were SO cute again. I think it was so sweet how little ol Ash thnks he can take on anything. He had to have realised that he would have to kil Misty to kill the bug. Meh.

He's a hero, can't be helped.

I LOVED the line, "I hate anything that hurts you" Or something like that. Made me sigh.. in a 'Aw that's romantic' kind of way.

I'm glad Delia got awway as well... scarred for life, yes, but still.

Misty probably was pregnant and everything... guess we'll never know though!

and my finalish words - I HATE THAT BUG!

Fantastic story, brilliantly written and I'd love to see more horror fics from you. You write them amazingly. Maybe someone else as the bad guy though ;)

Anyway, ace story!

The Dragon Lover chapter 5 . 8/14/2008
Aww, now I'm sad. But, I guess not all stories were meant to end happily. Still, it made me cry. Sad sad sadness, all around sadness for the sad sadness people! 3X WAH, SADNESS! LOTS AND LOTS OF SAD SADNESS!

I think you have given me a reason to hate bugs now.

Lots of dragon-y love (and sadness),

~DL ('Dragon Lover')
Tomoyo Kinomoto chapter 5 . 7/31/2008
No! Poor Misty! *laugh* I just can't get over how good a writer you are. I'm so jealous! Everything you write seems to come alive! Lucky!
Tomoyo Kinomoto chapter 4 . 7/31/2008
*makes a face* Gross... So I guess this won't be a happy ending, huh? Unless Misty commits suiside, or something. Hmm... there has to be another way to kill it... I wonder if she'll find it out?
hydeandjackieforever20 chapter 5 . 7/20/2008
o.k. this chapter seriously made me cry! I can't believe that there was no bug all along that it was all Misty:( That's so sad I need to go read something happy now...GREAT JOB!
CodeNameZimbabwe chapter 5 . 7/20/2008
Hooray! Great ending! Very intense and AWESOME! :P I liked how you made it sort of unclear whether it was really Misty or the demon who killed everyone...and Misty's dark past! Very creepy! Yes so this was a good story! You're good at writing horror fics! You should do more! And don't worry about taking a while to update! Believe me I've been so busy too! Argh...I really need to update something...*sigh*...*trudges off to attempt to write*...Anyway great job with this! I loved it! _
hydeandjackieforever20 chapter 4 . 7/8/2008
You have to update the last chapter soon! I need to know how it ends! PLEASE!
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