Reviews for Darned Socks
Holmes chapter 1 . 11/28/2011
Can't. Stop. Laughing! XD
Angel-Castiel chapter 1 . 6/18/2011
This story is so funny :-D

Imitating Lestrade and Gregson like that weirdly does sound like something Holmes would do
The Man in the Box chapter 1 . 3/12/2011
Really sweet Fanfiction, i really loved the idea of the socks and Holmes made a really nice show x).

I think the thing that I loved most was when he was playing the sock behind Hudson xD... I couldnt help but laught x)

I started to read a little your Vampyre fanfiction, some time ago I had an idea about making one, and I like the way Watson accepts the biting of Holmes in the prologue
Radioactive Rubber Duck chapter 1 . 7/17/2010
Oh, beautiful xD This made my day, seriously...animated bagpipes, oh my...
jaws chapter 1 . 4/21/2010
: ) very cute and funny!
Kazza chapter 1 . 11/20/2009
Oh, so "the game's afoot"! Or is that "the game's a sock"? :)

This is such a fun story. I can imagine Holmes being this silly in private, although not very often.

holmes221b chapter 1 . 8/13/2009
I laughed so hard that I cracked my head on my laptop. Excellent story! Pure gold, Holmes with sock puppets. And he's totally in character too, since he would have the ear for mimicking voices, as well as the ability to do it.~KR
Mam'zelleCombeferre chapter 1 . 7/1/2009
That line about doctors being the worst paitients was so true!
LucyMint chapter 1 . 3/14/2009
You'r such a genius! Socks! where the heck did that idea come from? But still, I loved it!

Please tell me you will write something similar another time? It was such a good story and with a Holmes with actual feelings, which weren't just embaresemnt or grumpynes wich I have read so much of latly, was a good change.

And it was so cute when he actually blushed! And as a mother figure, just adorable *A Soft Sigh*

Thank you so much for posting this story! I really appriciate it )
DrakkenWasHere chapter 1 . 2/13/2009
Haha! You had me laughing so hard, my mother rushed up the stairs! Apparently my mirth sounds like I was wailing in pain. To be sides were hurting from doing for a long period of time...

I'm sorry, but I read it twice in a row. It's just that it was so silly. And I loved it, even more so, because the characters felt very much like themselves. My dear, how do you manage to do it?
woo chapter 1 . 2/6/2009
Hahh... thanks. This vastly improved my day.
C Elise chapter 1 . 12/4/2008
Nunewesen chapter 1 . 9/8/2008

But what are you doing to me! I am sitting here, spending my lunchbreak on my computer and am just reaching the part of him with socks on his hands, when my supervisor comes to me with a question. OMG, I almost lost it! :-)

I would have never thought that, but meanwhile I am utterly in love with your slash fiction - who would have guessed!

Would love to read more!


J. Rosemary Moss chapter 1 . 6/28/2008
Lovely-this was just brilliant! I can't believe how you managed to make Holmes' behavior so silly and yet kept him in character.

I loved the relationship between the two men, not only because I'm a slash fan but because, again, I think you managed to keep them in character. Their romance seemed plausible.

Well done! Hopefully you won't mind that I've mentioned the story on one of my blogs ;)

fan chapter 1 . 6/20/2008
OH MY GOD! Best Sherlock Holmes story I've ever read!Congrats, you officially are AWESOME. I haven't laughed a much as I did just now in a while. Socks. Hehe.
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