Reviews for Camels.
Renn chapter 1 . 7/22/2012
I'm very comforted to know that camels will be safe. Lol. I can so picture this...
modestlobster chapter 1 . 12/29/2001
Great fic. Nice. Fun. )
bj chapter 1 . 10/11/2001
Sam-esque is too a word. I use it all the time:) I don't know the quote, but it's funny nonetheless, cuz I can just imagine what he might have said.
Eve Karma chapter 1 . 10/9/2001
Good little fic you've got here! Rock on!
Oinge chapter 1 . 10/9/2001
HA HA HA! I loved this little ficlette. Some one just HAD to do something with the quote from our President. (When I read the quote in the news, I laughed my arse off.)

This was done so well. Sam is such a dork! In a cute adorable, aww-you're-such-a-cute-little-boy way. Are you going go go somewhere with this? (THe get coffee thing) Thanks for posting this. I chortled my way through it.