Reviews for heaven is on fire
book thief27 chapter 5 . 12/1/2015
Usually I like post-world-saving fics where max and fang are already together, but this is hilarious!
Faxfourtris998 chapter 21 . 10/24/2014
Plz update soon I love it
Random Writer389 chapter 8 . 8/18/2014
I guess its good, I have a bunch of things to point out though. If you don't want to be bored just skip this.
First of all, the flock NEVER stay in the same place for longer than a week
Second, Max would have been able to beat him if he was human... No matter how strong he was.
Third, if he was that strong he HAD to be a mutant of some sort. If so you never mentioned it.
Fourth, Max would of probably annoyed the sh*t out of him before he could do anything
Fifth, the flock would never be as cool as they were knowing MAX got caught and there was blood everywhere. There would of definetely be some tears, freak outs, and nightmares
Six, Fang could POSSIBLY just be completely find with his love just magically disappearing, having the possibility of being dead!
Seventh, Nudge would have been completely panicked!
Eighth, if Angel magically heard her thoughts, wouldn't she have sooner?
Nineth, I like your awesome detailing, but knowing a Max she probably would of pointed everything out to him
Tenth, when Max disappeared the flock wouldn't of went onto sleeping at a joyous hotel with NO regrets as Max was probably being tortured to death EXPECIALLY after that phone call!
Twelvth, your story had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with your summery!
Thirtieth, Max doesn't need Fang to save her from a HUMAN! He's not even strong enough to give her a tiny bruise!

Sorry for being so harsh, I've honestly seen worse. I didn't mean to offend you in any way, you seem like a great person and I honestly didn't mean or wanted to hurt your feelings. I'm also not saying I'm any better than you in any way and I don't expect you to change your story because of a Random Writer (heh, see what I did there with the na- oh never mind!) but I feel like you could make your writing more enjoyable if you put my constructive criticism (he he, vocabulary word! Not really... ) into account. I'm sure I'm not the only one who felt this way while reading this story. Even though I just pretty much listed a whole lot of bad things in your story, there was also a lot of good things. I loved you Fax and the way you found the need to describe everything thuraly, a absolutely LOVE writers who do that! Your story was amazing! I loved your individual personality! It's really inspiring! Sorry again if I hurt or offended you in any way, I just felt the need to point these things out. You're a very talented writer and I feel that with a little of work you'll be seeking New York Bestsellers in no time! Lots of confidence and love! ️️ Keep up the good work!
Kuronekohimesama chapter 21 . 10/27/2012
Ahhh! Great cliffhanger... I can't imagine what will happen! I really like the story , it has an awesome plot.
human chapter 21 . 10/24/2012
When are you going to update? Says last time you did for the story, it was 2010. DON'T YOU KNOW THAT WE ALL WANT SOME MORE?!
cat musketeer chapter 21 . 7/18/2012
Omg UPDATE! I was listening to pandora while reading this and the song the kill by 30 seconds to mars was playing and for some reading it reminded me or Fang pov of his and Max's relationship. Love this story update!
bluegreypurple chapter 21 . 5/28/2011
Please hurry and update i like the story a lot
Backhanded By Tragedy chapter 21 . 12/21/2010
turtlelover0511 chapter 21 . 11/2/2010
firstjonasarmy chapter 21 . 9/12/2010
Awesome! chapter 21 . 9/1/2010
awwww, that chapter made me feel so into it! I really understood Max's hesitation and confusion; great job! And poor Fang :(
K1TT3N-W1NG5 chapter 8 . 7/19/2010
just a little bone 2 pick bout chapter 8s start of chapter a/n

(this is me kiddin btw)


British do not say terribly in front of stuff thats like from the dark ages...

Or wen we try 2 sound oh so terribly sophisticated (thats british for 'like... well posh')

Skipperdoodle chapter 20 . 7/17/2010
love the story please update soon.
shyyyyxoxo chapter 20 . 7/17/2010
This story is realllllyyy good! :)
NerdfighterGal4904 chapter 20 . 7/17/2010

Waz up? Hahaha. I just finished reading up to chapter 20! Your stories are so life like. You write the story just like the author does. You are great at writeing. I can't wait to read the next chapter!

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