Reviews for Open
thepkrmgc chapter 1 . 5/31/2017
trust is well put, its really what defines royai!
jesi ki kage chapter 1 . 5/16/2016
ArtofthePlate chapter 1 . 5/20/2015
Guest chapter 1 . 8/22/2013
Oh Griselda, you and your heartstring-tugging Royai fanfiction will be the death of me!
edwardfiend chapter 1 . 6/4/2012
LOVE it. :)
Kitaliah chapter 1 . 12/18/2008
YourFavouitePlushie chapter 1 . 10/25/2008
Brilliant writing and I love this fanfic!

Five stars from me!
xieloinfehrnurom chapter 1 . 6/11/2008
short but sweet...

it's rare that fics are in first person view... nice work!

Dailenna chapter 1 . 5/26/2008
Dude, I love this piece. It's so sweet :3 You need to write Royai more, because . . . because it's tha best! 8D

I've always been quite fond of Roy's spynetwork!girlfriends, just because hate with a passion Roy's sleepingwiththembecauseIcan'thaveyou!girlfriends ~_~ By that, I mean I don't really think they exist, but people certainly write them as though they do. So your first paragraph warms my heart, because he hasn't even kissed them. That shows just how fake they are! Yaay!

Riza showing Roy her tattoo is a very open moment (no duh, that's why you have 'Open' as the title XD), and I think you've captured it marvellously. I like that she told him where it was before she showed him, because that saves all of that "Huh? Why are you taking your shirt off!" bluster that - only if she didn't tell him first - is necessary, to stay in keeping with the characters.

You've drawn it back to the present-time well, too, with the "Perhaps you should get back to work, Colonel?" :D Lovely work, Gris. Heart heart heart.
winglessfairy25 chapter 1 . 5/26/2008
Wow. What can I say? It's not really intense. No. It's quite subtle and very light-hearted. A bit nostalgic on one side yet sweet on the other. I guess that sums up how I felt in this companion piece.

I could imagine this running in Roy Mustang's mind. Wonderful work. :]

Melinda-chan chapter 1 . 5/26/2008
Yes, this is Melinda-chan from the Royai Forums. I just barely caught your work in time. It was at the bottom of the list!

As for your work, what can I say? Roy only have eyes for Riza. The fact that Riza allowed Roy to see her back only showed how much she trusted him. Though I imagined that they would be blushing being as young as they were.

I didn't see anything wrong with the basic structure of your story. A well-done one-shot.
momiji-k chapter 1 . 5/26/2008
Wow! That was fantastic! I personally thought that would be the point that he fell in love with her. I can't imagine that she didn't already feel at least a little something for him up to that point. But for him I really think it would have started when she showed him the tattoo.

I feel inspired to write something now... hopefully I can actually finish one of my many unfinished works. But right now I take joy in finding such an inspiring short fic!
silver sniper of night chapter 1 . 5/26/2008
Wow, great piece of writting. I really love how you portray Roy as loving her first for her actions before her physical beauty. I like how deeply the relationship runs in this piece, its romantic without being cliche or slushy. Great job of keeping everyone in character as well.