Reviews for Jousting
alex.zabini chapter 1 . 12/23/2009
Aww. I love Evin. This made me smile.
juzblue chapter 1 . 6/6/2008
Lovely! I love it right from the start. Highly amusing. Good job!
sarcastic rabbit chapter 1 . 6/3/2008
I loved it. Ethelbert and the Pirate. Evin spouting random lines of verse. Evin being able to speak to Kel in metaphors- they are possibly the only two in Corus (until Shinko and Yuki arrive) who can. And the disparity between their characters at this point in time, with Kel an extremely serious young squire- they're so far apart, but you can see how in the future they could meet up again and really have something.

May recently made me a Kel/Evin convert when I was a rabid Kel/Lerant shipper, and now you're just rubbing it in with your over-abundance of Kel/Evin awesomeness. Please do it again! -Imo
Anaroriel chapter 1 . 5/30/2008
Cute! As always, I love your Rider fics. _
Bookflower chapter 1 . 5/28/2008
What can I say but 'WOW!'...? This is simply amazing, just amazing.

It had me grinning right the way through. I'm not really going to go into particulars with what I liked, because the whole thing is just fantastic.

I love your writing!
The Beetle chapter 1 . 5/26/2008
Wow, I loved the way that you used all of the correct terminology for the jousting scene, this was very, very good!

SarahE7191 chapter 1 . 5/25/2008
I was a little bit confused at the beginning because I couldn't figure out if you were calling the rider (Evin) a woman or a man-since you kept switching back and forth from she to he. But I liked it, and it made more sense when I figured out who was who. :-)

You should continue it, or at least write another chapter.

Shang Leopard chapter 1 . 5/25/2008
Neat-o! That was really great. It definitely put a smile in my day!

Thanks a lot for that one, it was very nicely written.

(I wonder if Kel actually takes him up on that offer. Maybe even years later when she's a knight and is having Dom troubles... hm, that could be a neat sequel. Could you do it?)

Ta Ta!

Shang Leopard
Magna Parva chapter 1 . 5/25/2008
it's a brilliant present for your friend! it certainly had me grinning the whole way through.

~ KJ