Reviews for Aftermath
drew love chapter 20 . 6/28/2019
tbh I have no idea if you still read these reviews, but just in case you do...
I first read this fic around 2012/2013. Not even thirteen myself, which I have to say really added something to this fic. The terror I felt at becoming a teenager, at growing up, faded after I read this fic for the first time. It's 2019 now, and this story still resonates with the part of me still scared of getting older and the part of me that realised that getting older really isn't that bad. So I just wanted to thank you for this story. It really means so much to me.
Toaneo07 Ver2.0 chapter 20 . 5/23/2018
it was amazing this fanfic but i was a little confused in the last part
Numbuh32 chapter 20 . 12/16/2017
This is epic!

Can you gimme some tips? About writing stories?
Guest chapter 2 . 12/13/2017
Nice! Thanks for writing - you're good at it too.

Everything seems to add up cannon as for chaps 1,2.
KCcracker chapter 20 . 6/6/2015
This had me clapping at my computer screen for a minute straight. To call it one of the best KND fanfics around would be to understate. No, it's more like one of the best fanfictions around in any genre, period. Every sentence and every bit of characterisation was lovingly crafted. And the resonated so perfectly with me at the age I'm at, and it fit the show's theme perfectly. That's the other thing about this fanfic: you did not just follow the canon storyline, you expanded on the storyline, the characters in a grand way. On a personal note, I have to say, if you're not published yet the world has lost a very talented author. A top, top fanfiction, fit to go right on the shelf with the works of Mr. Warburton himself and not look any worse for it.

thewookie1 chapter 20 . 9/14/2014
Wow, boy I was late to the party but a good party it was for sure.

Everything had the KND feel to it but gave a massive amount of additional content to each of the characters.

So did 362 ever find Numbuh 1? Based on the endings I'd assume she did but they are after all the only two who left after first part lol
Numbuh110 chapter 20 . 7/3/2014
This is an amazing story.

Well done sir!

Great plot, good job for sticking to canon, and the character development is great and makes sense too! Overall a very well thought out, planned and executed story. I loved it
GymnasticsRules101 chapter 20 . 3/21/2014
SoundlessWorld chapter 20 . 11/7/2013
Wait... What happened to 362?
World1000 chapter 20 . 11/4/2013
Just as awesome as I remember! But why does each chapter title begin with the letter 'P'?
deletedforpersonalreasons chapter 20 . 7/26/2013
Ohmygod I can't /believe/ I didn't review this the first time I read it! Then again, I was 14 at the time, and you never really appreciate fine literature beyond the realms of 'good story' at that age.

(To explain, it's summer hols and I'm bored so I decided to start re-reading all the fics on my favorite stories list. Plus unfavorite some stuff that was pure fluff I must've favorited in my pre-teens-rose-glasses phase. But anyway.)

I'm so glad I re-read this! I get to appreciate your writing in a way I didn't the first time around (or I would've remembered). This fic is so amazing. If there's an award for best KND fic, this should win it, hands down. If there isn't an award, they should make one up, just for this story. I don't even know where to start praising you.

Okay, no, I do.

Sector V. You brought back the same Sector V only BETTER. Deeper. Their characterization all made such perfect SENSE. Not oh-I-get-how-that-works sense but EUREKA-why-didn't-I-SEE-that sense.

Seeing you write about Numbuh 5's fear of leadership and how she understood her sister better but still stuck to the rules. Numbuh 2 scared of decommisioning. Numbuh 4 struggling with his need to be in charge, to be a kid and how he always underestimated himself, how Numbuh 3 was coping with everything with her rainbow monkey obsession. It felt like you'd plunged into each character and brought back a part of their /souls/ to show us.

And the way you /wrote/ it (I'm so upset doesn't support italics for reviews right now). You never told us outright what was going on with Sector V's emotions- you didn't NEED to. You let us see it and figure it out for ourselves. That's something that'a so hard to do as a writer, but you did it perfectly. Awesomely.

I especially love how you helped me come to terms with the change in Numbuh 3's character. I'd never quite been able to reconcile the difference between past and present Kuki in I.N.T.E.R.V.I.E.W.S and this fic helped me do that. And shockingly enough, I loved reading about 2 and 5 just as much -if not maybe MORE- than 3 and 4, which is shocking, because the latter are usually my favorites. I also loved how you didn't include Numbuh 1 in being (that would mess with canon) but he was always there in the back off everyone's heads, as bossy and knd-driven as ever :D

I really love your writing style as a whole. You let dialogue flow when you need to, and give snappy description of action dialogue and wrote this all amazingly.

And the way you handled everything! The plot itself was amazing enough, but the way you made Sector V crash straight into their fears-

/Abby knew too well what he was doing. Her eyes sought out his. "But… but you… you told Abby…" She swallowed. "You was always talking about how you was scared of this thing!"
"I was." Hoagie offered a nervous smile. "I guess I just… grew up."
And he threw the switch./

/The hum reaches a crescendo and holds it, it's fully warmed up. It will begin any minute now, and I finally realize what I've been saying the whole time.
Wally isn't coming. He really isn't./

-the way you made them question the KND and ultimately question /themselves/.

/"No. You want to be a kid. Shoot, you want to stay a kid. Whatever comes, you don't leave the KND, and you don't wanna be a teenager." Mushi shrugged. "Even if it weren't for your whole 'must save the KND' thing you got going, you wouldn't want to."
"So you see…" She smiled, unholstering her pistol. "I really don't think you're gonna push that button. You don't wanna grow up."/

The way you wrote all of that- it just, it- it gave me goosebumps.

And, finally, the way you handled the theme of growing up itself was..beyond words. I turned 18 this year and lately I've felt the yearning to be a kid again keenly. Childish and carefree, with no responsibility.

/"We give them their memories back to aid them in their new responsibilities, not to return them to their old childishness. We remind them what it is like to be a child so that they can better become an adult."/

This quote from your fic just now? That's what /Aftermath/ has done for me. It reminded me what being a kid was. Better yet, it reminded me what growing up is. And hey, if Sector V can do it, so can I.

So, overall, thank you. Thanks for writing this amazing fic. Thanks for re-introducing me to Sector V. Thanks for helping me feel a little more ready to still remember what it's like to be a kid, but still grow up, along with them.

Stay Young.
stupid anon here chapter 20 . 6/6/2013
oh. AccidentLly left tbat last review without a name. Haha.

I really like your writing. You make 3rd person, interesting. Normally, i hate it and prefer first person. But, this was good. I loved the idea of inserting the flashbacks. The way you placed them was perfect. I think you basically got all the characters spot on in comparison to the show. The narraration was good, and it made it feel so... i dunno, real. I feel as though some parts were underdescriptive, yet it was perfectly described.
I really suck at explaining, and so im sorry.

Thank you for writing this. It was absolutely amazing. Watching them change over the years was great. Youre amazing.
Guest chapter 20 . 6/6/2013
I teared up. Bahah im such a girl

The ending was great. Although, im a little shocked how they all know each other in the scene with wally/kuki. But yeah. c:
stupid anon here chapter 19 . 6/6/2013
Oooooh, tommy.
I like this endnig though. I really hate when books leave you like that. Like, especially something where they get to an age, or the conflict ends. Like, then what?
stupid anon here chapter 18 . 6/6/2013
ok so i dont think ive been "reviewing" as you wanted me to... ill think of something and post it at the end

I really enjoyed this chapter. Its kinda sad, though. Theyre all gone and need to start over. Ugh, tommy tho. He annoyed me a ton in the show, but im glad its him doing the restarting.

If not, someones kid from SV
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