Reviews for Mary Suicide
Gurz chapter 1 . 1/27/2010
Haha, I really enjoyed your fic. Mary Sue parodies can be humorous when done properly, and by golly you have done so! I really enjoyed seeing another person share my same views on Mary Sues and that rant board you had on your profile.

But yes, "I just had the creepiest feeling."


"I think we're all doomed."

I loved these lines.
dixiebaby1111 chapter 2 . 12/26/2009
LOL. Wow. This is hilarious and really well-written. I usually despise (supposedly) humorous stories or 'parodies' but I made an exception and started reading this when the summary threw me off, and I'm so glad I did. Amazing work! It's very creative.

If I had to give a bit of critiquing, it would be two things: first, make sure that you 'mary sue' words aren't so badly spelled that no one can read them, because while it makes sense from a 'mary sue' point-of-view, it makes the story difficult to follow. (i.e.-'goofik' It took me two or three minutes of staring at it to realize it meant 'gothic'); secondly, there are places where you/Lallyzippo are speaking and it doesn't specify extremely well that it's you because all it has it a portion of dialogue and nothing else.

Other than those too things, I really enjoyed it! Keep it up. :D
silvermedal chapter 2 . 6/15/2009
You reek of awesome.

That was the best humorous fanfic I have ever read, ever.
Spirit of the Earth chapter 2 . 12/20/2008
Interesting... not expecting that at all! Thanks for updating!

Happy Holidays,

Spirit of the Earth )
Kiko chapter 1 . 10/2/2008
This was so funny! I almost died laughing. I especially loved the bit with the bullet flying through the plot hole. I laughed for 2 minutes straight after reading that!
Xonelel chapter 1 . 8/4/2008

Hades's only line perfect!

you need to update this. it's pure sue-bashing gold!
Demi Brackensick chapter 1 . 5/30/2008

I have to agree with Megara15 on that one

And plus not to sound rude or judgemental but this story doesn't make any sense to me at all!
Megara15 chapter 1 . 5/30/2008
Do u really need that much cussing! N O but, I say it sucks on ice! P