Reviews for MTLL Mike's Time in the Limelight MW
NicoleClark123456 chapter 14 . 8/13/2010
yay the UK home sweet home xxxx
Miss Laughy chapter 1 . 7/24/2009
This is so amazing. I LOVE MTLL. Keep writing!
perpetually chapter 1 . 2/6/2009
A very interesting first chapter. Very nicely written. Anyway, if you have time- please read my story 'Thirteen Bites' in which has lemons in it but if you dislike lemons, please read 'She's The One In Control' and 'Qualm of Remorse'. Both are up on my profile and thanks for the story. Really cool and congratz on the nomination!
Randomness is Bliss chapter 8 . 12/31/2008
Writing while reading

I thought Mikey was a nerd... his tough guy came out when he question Dani. Guess he isn't THAT bad...

I luv Dani's power... that ball should have hit i luv him! and bells!

wat happens next?

wat the heck did Alice see?
Randomness is Bliss chapter 7 . 12/31/2008
k. 1st off: Emmetts not beary: he's hunky. and apartly good at giving noogies. 2nd: Rose should go and die in a hole: Emmett's so mine! 3rd: KEEP WRITING!
Randomness is Bliss chapter 6 . 12/31/2008
Review as I go...again.

Dani likes oldies music? When was she born? 1,452,278 B.C.?

Dani can hot wire cars? Man, she's more of a tombboy than I imagined her... or is she?

I always luv it when I imagine running as/on a Cullen.

Keep writing!
Alice crazed maniac chapter 5 . 12/31/2008
I'm going to write my comments as I go (bear with me)

I like Mike's little voice. Just more proof toward his nerdy side.

I feel srry 4 dani... having to save him and all. Why save a nerd when you can save a hunky Edward/Emmett? Has she gone koocoo?

Aw... Alice AND I think it's cute that Dani has a crush on a little mortal nerd. Aw.

Haha I won't give them a break either- GO ALICE

You should make a song and remix it-vamp style

I agree with Ed, ed is a bit disrespectful. lol

HaHaHaHa he got hurt by a girl...and by a pencil!

Yah. Jessica grow up. Or, become a vamp and live for eternity. It's your choice

"worry[s] about school work, grades and...[his] future. yup: defenitly a nerd!

Edwards rich! bawhahaha now when I'll marry him I'll get lots of muluah! bawhahaha!

Emmett is hunky.go die Rose chapter 4 . 12/31/2008
O I luv chapter four. I luv the chapter name along with the chapter. Such an interesting plot... will this just be a replay of twilight but in Mike's point of view? By the way... why Mike Newton? I think you portray him awesomely, but I can't get over Mike's nerdy side. I think I prefer the vamps... there hunky and perfect at most things!
killing time at fan fic chapter 4 . 12/31/2008
Like the chapter name
super chicky that has a hunk chapter 3 . 12/31/2008
i like the title... gtg but i'll be back to bug u later...

You got a stacker kid. Deal with it. I'm so glad that you rock at writing or this would be boring. Trust me, ur the best writer that I've ever stuaked
you know me.or do you chapter 2 . 12/31/2008
K. Now I'm super mad. Stupid computer and it's autimatical sumbiting crap. Now where did I leave off?

And that Mike to Dani is like Bella to Edward

O Fan Fic math

Oh wait, I hate math...

Oh wait, this is about luv...

Can't have enough luvv.

Oh wait, this is about the burning desire to drink someone's blood and kill them.

Can't have enough deaths...

Jk Jk Jk Jk Jk Jk

K... that must seem like I'm a serial killer now. Man, that even freaked me out...

O no! Now my cover is blown!

jk jk jk

I mess with your mind.

But randomness is bliss, is it not?
you know me. or do you chapter 2 . 12/31/2008
Mike fell of the cliff

I think that Dani will save him and then he'll find out that she's a vampire...

I think Mike to Dani is like Bella to Edward...

O fan fiction math!

Oh wait, I hate math...

But this is about luv...

Can't have enough luv...

Oh wait, this is about the smell and the wanting to kill someone...
The Twilight Awards chapter 1 . 12/30/2008
Congratulations! This story has been nominated in Round 3 of The Twilight Awards for the following categories:

Category 1: Best WIP

Category 2: Most Original Plot

Category 3: Best POV
Verlidaine chapter 2 . 12/20/2008
That last part actually holds some real terror and meaning in it for me, because i had a very, very similar experience. I also fell off a cliff(and landed on my head) and let me tell you, it was one of the most terrifiying things that has ever happened to me. the feeling of uncontrolable falling...

Anyway, this is really well written so far! :) you do a great job at portraying the characters. :)
NS chapter 18 . 8/21/2008
Great Story! Is Jess gonna find out the Cullens are vamps? Can't wait! Update Please!
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