Reviews for Believe
Roseamber-ruby chapter 85 . 8/24/2015
OMG! OMG! BEST Drabble series ever!
Dext chapter 85 . 6/18/2009
Best one in a while!
Xekstrin chapter 85 . 6/1/2009

And that's why there isn't a third season XD
TheChromeDog chapter 85 . 5/27/2009
*LOL!* Love it! XD

Oh noes! Asaph Fipke! RUN! X3
WhispertheWolf chapter 85 . 5/27/2009
Wow . . . Master Cyclonis is out to get Asaph Fipke? Well, that leaves us only one thing to do: grab a box of tissues and start writing poetic speeches in preparation for his funeral.
Flame Soldier chapter 84 . 5/10/2009
Pft. XD That's so funny. Toilet paper from shoe. Classic. :p
Xekstrin chapter 84 . 5/3/2009
Promethium chapter 84 . 5/2/2009
A Talon that crushes on Cyclonis?


YAY! You FINALLY updated!
tege chapter 82 . 11/28/2008
That is a real emergency especially if you did a number 2!

Ah, there's nothing like potty humor. XD
tege chapter 81 . 11/28/2008
Maybe Finn likes to smack crotch first onto things. ;D
BriTalRish chapter 6 . 10/20/2008
i liked this chapter too. it made me happy :]
Child of October chapter 50 . 10/16/2008
Aw, cute AerrowxPiper scene!

Please write more of these. And keep up the good work!
Promethium chapter 80 . 10/16/2008
I started crying reading this one. Really. Because I couldn't breathe. Because I was laughing. Hard. Very hard. *Trys pulling you out of rut* You need to be FRE!
Lycans Are Gods Gift To Furrys chapter 80 . 10/16/2008
Dude 80 drabbles. Whoa! (Just started reading it I'll finnish it later)

I got a drabble series going to by the way

"Madness in Atmos"

Oh and if you're starting to run out of ideas here are a few for ya

1) Some kinda of RadarrxSuzy-lu pairing

2) A reason why Finn has no parachute

3)A joke about that Spider guy and KFC

4) Blizzarian pies make deadly weapons

5) Finn had a bad dream that he got eaten by Radarr
Dext chapter 79 . 10/7/2008
Hahaha! Nice... drabble, are they called? Funny as ever, though the end could have been more inspired. And yes, I too would like another funny series. Not that I dislike the dramatic works; you're at your best there.
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