Reviews for Speaking Subtly
cdkobasiuk chapter 2 . 1/19/2010
Like whoa! That was a riot. Great job.

Bluu Inkblot chapter 2 . 1/2/2010
Heh I know I'm reviewing quite late~ But I happened to stumble across this one and I thought it was AMAZING! It really kept me laughing throughout, and especially the ending, it was awesome! XD

You definitely must write more fics like this!
Lhye chapter 2 . 5/10/2009
Oh wow


I had to laugh.


Loved it. 3
Negimasamurai chapter 2 . 5/5/2009
Very 'ed so have pure potenial,I'll give you that. Tell me,interested in reading some of my stories?I found this story very write a new chap soon.
Lacerta3 chapter 1 . 1/3/2009
This was a very enjoyable read: well written, interesting and very in character. I hope you update soon.

DarkLightShades chapter 1 . 7/30/2008
I completely agree with you; Heihachi and Gorobei definitely needed more attention, especially interacting together. I'm very disappointed that there isn't much in the fandom to make up for what the series missed out on, particularly when it comes to slash for them. You officially win an internet for daring to write some.

The only complaint I might have is that some parts of the conversation seem a little vague, but after rereading it I think I picked up all the bits I missed the first time. I really hope you get the inspiration for another chapter soon! Preferably one with Heihachi taking Gorobei up on that offer. leers
orangexxpopsicle chapter 2 . 6/5/2008
wanderingaddict chapter 1 . 5/18/2008
Heh, wow, I thought this was great! I think you nailed them spot on (heh, they're both so light-hearted and easy-going in the show that I couldn't help but think they belong together). This story was really fun (and witty, too). I'd love to see ya continue it.
Jun-I chapter 1 . 5/9/2008
I enjoyed the dialog and the ending. Please continue. :-)

Btw, can I add this to my S7 comm? (It's a comm mainly focusing on yaoi and other 'rare' flicks, which includes fics in which Gorobei is the main chara)
BlueOceanxo chapter 1 . 5/9/2008
You did a wonderful job! PLEAZ PLEAZ PLEAZ CONTINUE!