Reviews for What happens now?
x. I Got You First .x chapter 7 . 6/13/2016
Aww. Loved this story so far! I really liked the characterisation as well as the quick "retorts" [for lack of better term] that you adapted from their dialogue in the movie and mimicked in this fic. Awesome!

Keep it up, I can't wait for more XD
Winteroses chapter 7 . 1/4/2010
Awsome! Please please update soon!
SilverHeart09 chapter 7 . 9/15/2009
PLEASE write another chapter! You can't just leave it like that!
sleeplessinrio chapter 7 . 7/23/2009
this whole story didnt make much sense... i little more consistency in the chapter wouldnt have hurt in one bit! sorry to flame, could not be helped.
Aaron Cronin chapter 7 . 6/25/2009
Pretty good! It's got me on the edge of my seat, that's for certain. And don't be afraid to relax and take your time - art takes as long as it takes.
defendthefaithgoingdownswingin chapter 7 . 6/24/2009
Love it love it love it please update soon I am dying to know what happens
ber1719 chapter 7 . 6/23/2009
OMG! I need an update. This is one of the best Iron Man fanfics I've read and I really want you to continue it. It was getting so good and I went to click on the next button. But it wasn't there. :( I can't wait for Ch 8!
D.Salvatore chapter 1 . 6/22/2009
I have to say this is one of the most interesting stories i have read so far! i cant believe i didnt find it sooner. you are an amazing writer and you got me hooked on this story. please update soon!
dababee chapter 7 . 6/21/2009
OMG. I have just found this story and you CANNOT, I repeat, CANNOT leave it hanging like that. LOL I can't wait for the next chapter!
Booklover727 chapter 7 . 6/20/2009
wow that was awesome! I like it. Review soon please!
JustCallMeMarly chapter 6 . 11/19/2008
Very interesting place to leave this! And poor Hogan! All he was trying to do was help Tony get in Pepper's good graces. ;) And poor Tony & Pepper. Every time they get that chance to kick start this thing between them, something always gets in the way to delay it. *Sigh* Anyways, can't wait for the update! Hope it's sometime soon... Lol.
darkravenkb226 chapter 6 . 9/2/2008
good chapter, love the story, glad to have you back, update soon
D-chi chapter 6 . 9/1/2008
I suppose Pepper will be in need of some heroic saving soon.
D-chi chapter 5 . 9/1/2008
Awesome. And Disneyland is magical, as we all know.
D-chi chapter 4 . 9/1/2008
Aw, she sort of said yes. Very Tony of him to ask something like that.
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